Poems (Shipton)/The Place for Gold where They Fine It

by Anna Shipton
The Place for Gold where They Fine It
4502803Poems — The Place for Gold where They Fine ItAnna Shipton


Job xxviii. 1.

"The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it."—1 Thess. v. 23, 24.

Lord, I would be nigh Thee,
Looking in Thy face,
Listening for Thy whisper,
Feeling Thine embrace.
From all other refuge
To Thine arms I flee;
Body, soul, and spirit,
Consecrate to Thee.

Lord, I would be like Thee;
I would walk in white,
Choose the thing Thou lovest,
Serving in Thy sight.
Blood is on the altar,
Incense mounts for me;
Body, soul, and spirit,
Consecrate to Thee.

"Wouldst thou follow Me, child?
Mark the way I came:
Thou must meet the mocking,
Wilt thou share the shame?
Canst thou bear rejection,
When thou long'st to bless;
For thy true affection
Only loved the less?"

Lord, it little moves me
Where my steps must tread,
With the sweet assurance,
"Christ this way hath led."
If through tribulation
This alone can be,
Body, soul, and spirit,
Consecrate to Thee.

"Wouldst thou walk beside Me?
Thou My voice must learn;
Thou must trust My silence,
And My will discern;
Lose thy life in living,
Nor bewail it lost.
For thy soul's desire
Dost thou count the cost?"

Jesus! Lord! Jehovah!
I would onward press;
Every woe will whisper
Of Thy faithfulness.
From each snare beguiling
Thou wilt set me free;
Body, soul, and spirit,
Consecrate to Thee.

"Come, the way is opened,
Thou mayst walk in white:
Gird thy priestly garments;
For that path of light
Vulture's eye ne'er searcheth,
Nor hath wild beast trod;
But the ransomed enter
Through the cleansing blood."

Canst thou die to self, child?
Canst thou take My cup?"
Lord, Thy grace sufficeth,
Thou didst drink it up.
Wrath no more can mingle
In that draught for me;
Now, the life thus purchased
Consecrate to Thee.

"Take thy cross up daily,
Seek the path I trod,
Nearer than a brother
To the living God.
For a little season
Fierce thy foes may be;
Go in this thy power,
Fellowship with Me."