Poems (Shipton)/The Soul Committing Itself to God

by Anna Shipton
The Soul Committing Itself to God
4502862Poems — The Soul Committing Itself to GodAnna Shipton


"Shew me Thy ways, O Lord: teach me thy paths."—Psalm xxv. 4.
"Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee."—Psalm lxxiii. 25.

Father, for pleasant paths on earth
My spirit yearneth not;
For loving kindreds clasping hands
And home I ask Thee not.
I would forego all anxious thought
And cast on Thee my care,
Content to see Thy love in all,
To trace Thee everywhere.

Teach me to listen for Thy voice
When the storm howleth loud;
Help me to look for light from Thee
Beneath the darkest cloud;
To feel Thy hand the tempest rules,
That Thou canst hear and save,
That Thou hast bounded by Thy will
The wildest, stormiest wave.

The thunder yet was ne'er so loud
To drown the soul's faint cry,
Nor cloud so dark to hide Thy child
From Thine all-seeing eye.
Lighten mine eyes, that I may read
Thy will where'er I be,
And from each passing hour receive
A message, Lord, from Thee.

Lead me to seek, with patient prayer,
Thy counsel for my stay,
And look to Thee to guide my steps
In Thine appointed way;
With glad and grateful heart accept
The work Thy wisdom wills,
And bless the hand that all in love
My cup of sorrow fills.

Show me the path that I should take,
What heart to cheer or bless,
Even as I would ask of Thee
For comfort in distress;
Content to share in others' joys,
And if this may not be,
Still happy that my chequered lot
Was chosen, Lord, by Thee.