4510548Poems — Beautiful SunlightMartha A. Smith


Beautiful sunlight,
Thou hast gone to appear
With thy Father in heaven,
Where all is now clear.
We on earth weeping,
And longing for rest;
Yours is secured
In heaven, we trust.

Beautiful sunlight,
We lov'd you while here.
Too lovely for earth,
God wanted you near;
Has taken you to keep
Free from all harm.
In His beautiful home
Nothing more can alarm.

Beautiful sunlight,
Oh, could you return,
And tell of those beauties
We so wish to learn;
God's great book is sealed
Until we depart;
Our records are in heaven,
May we gain the good part.

Beautiful sunlight,
As we bid you farewell,
You to go heavenward,
We earthly to dwell,
Till our mission is ended,
We call'd up above,
To dwell in our Father's
Everlasting love.

Beautiful sunlight,
God wanted a flower;
Has taken you to bloom
In His heavenly bower;
Transplanted above,
One more shining light,
Making heaven, if possible,
More beautifully bright.

Beautiful sunlight,
God oped your seal'd eyes,
That you might see clearly
Beyond the bright skies.
The shadow of God
A mantle o'erthrew,
Then the beauties of heaven
Were reveal'd unto you.

Beautiful sunlight,
Asleep in your God,
Your glorified spirit,
Where angels have trod.
Farewell, our dear sunlight,
Shining above,
In the light of our Father's
Most heavenly love.