Poems (Smith)/Burying-Ground Musings

by Martha A. Smith
Burying-Ground Musings
4510651Poems — Burying-Ground MusingsMartha A. Smith


Why mourn we for departed friends?
When dead life's joys and sorrows end.
If only ready to meet our God,
We need not fear being under the sod.

Thoughts while I these graves explore
Of so many loved ones crone before:
My father and mother, brother dear,
And many others resting here.

Their immortal spirits watching above
To welcome us with heavenly love
Whenever our Maker calls us home
To dwell with Him and forever to roam
The beautiful land of golden light
In Heaven above where all is bright.

Soon our mortal race is run,—
Our work on earth forever done.
The churchyard has for me a charm:
No fear have I of grief or harm.

I have prayed for death in its darkest form,
To relieve me from this world's cold storm
So cruelly beating o'er my poor head,
Till forever at rest with the sleeping dead.

Why should we in this dark world stay?
In Heaven there shines eternal day.
Oft I ask of God, in sore distress,
How long ere He will give me rest.

My sorrows all ended, I gone to my God,
I long for this quiet beneath the green sod.
Tread softly, my loved ones, over my head,
While gazing upon my calm and quiet bed.