Poems (Smith)/Longing for Rest (Oh, had I the wings of a dove)

For works with similar titles, see Longing for Rest.
4510606Poems — Longing for RestMartha A. Smith

Oh, had I the wings of a dove,
I would fly forever away,
Where neither sorrow nor love
Could brighten or dim the way.

Could I burst this bondage and flee
To yon heavenly home above;
'Tis so distressing to me
Forever to live without love.

This life is too short to live
In continual family jar;
Better let each of us strive
To never let anything mar.

Our pleasures and griefs here below
Too briefly and quickly have fled;
We should enjoy life as we go,
For soon we shall lie with the dead.

When eternity opes to our view
May our record be bright and clear;
Oh, then let us our lives renew,
And go to our God without fear.

For a heavenly life above
We are hoping forever to win.
If we strive with patience and love,
Surely our Saviour will let us in.

Then let us in peace depart
To a far more genial home.
In Heaven there'll be no heavy heart,
No sorrows there to mourn.

To that beautiful world of love
Oh, may we be wafted afar;
Away in the bright Heaven above
May we find the door ajar.

Then when God shall call us away
To a spiritual life of love,
Oh, may we there unite some day
In beautiful Heaven above.

At last freed from all earthly strife,
And in Heaven with the blest,
We'll not lament our present life,
When with God forever at rest.