4510610Poems — ProvidenceMartha A. Smith

"God moves in a mysterious way."
We give thanks to Him and wonder
Why sin here should have such sway
When God is over yonder.

This life is short, and God has taught
On Him we should rely;
If through love sin has been brought,
He will punish by and by.

Beware, ere the avenging hand of God
Shall cause thy heart to quake:
Repent, ere with the chastening rod
God doth His vengeance take.

Repair the wrong ere yet too late,
Ere conscience may be stricken;
For fear you fall from high estate,
And can never enter Heaven.

I wonder sinners go their way,
And on earth should so prosper.
The devil with them has full sway,
To grab them up hereafter.

Be sure thy sin will find thee out;
Great sorrow will be thy portion;
Oh, turn thy heart, then, right about,
To thy true one's devotion.

Let all false syrens go, through life;
Love thine own, who, so forbearing,
Tender and true has clung through strife,
Though oft for thee despairing.

Remember you may bruise the heart
You once did fondly cherish;
But never till life shall depart
Will true love ever perish.