Poems (Storrie)/A Hot Wind Day in Spring

by Agnes Louisa Storrie
A Hot Wind Day in Spring
4516561Poems — A Hot Wind Day in SpringAgnes Louisa Storrie
A Hot Wind Day in Spring.
Oh what a cruel and outrageous thing
That in the midst of silken airs like these,
When, to the wooing of a honied breeze
The delicate wistaria blossoms swing
Their drooping tresses o'er the wall and fling
A lavender enchantment, while the trees
Are full of snowy promise, and the bees
Impatient round the buds are clustering,
That such a furious wind as this should rise
And my fair garden into ruin throw
With whirling buffets from the brazen skies;
Oh piteous life! that lives but to bestow
The seeds of death, and bid us realise
All things are vain save Him who made them so.