Poems (Storrie)/What the Wind Sang

4516544Poems — What the Wind SangAgnes Louisa Storrie


What the Wind Sang.
Oh, heard ye what the dawn-wind sang,
Clean from the crystal night?
It blew a new breath thro' the world,
And set the sun alight.
Oh, heard ye how it clarioned clear,
With all the world for scope?
A new soul flickered into life,
The dawn-wind sang of Hope.

Oh, heard ye how the noon-wind droned
And laughed in drowsy mirth?
The warm day drank a draught of gold,
And flung the dregs to earth.
A hawk poised in the lifted blue,
But little recked the dove.
She preened her breast in purity;
The wind sang "Love—ah! love!"

Oh, hear ye how the night-wind wails,
All through the streaming dark?
It whirls a white dust thro' the air,
The ashes of a spark.
Oh, hear ye how the night-wind wails
In anguish scarce suppressed?
A soul is rocking on its wings
And cannot, cannot rest.