4563100Poems — The ChangeCynthia Taggart
THE CHANGE.May, 1824.
Ye morning scenes! ye evening beams!
I once have peace enjoyed,
And, watching at your golden gates,
Drank pleasure unalloyed.

Gayly each gilded moment sped,
When Pleasure beamed and Rapture led;
Each winning flower was sweet and bright,
Bathed in ethereal dew;
And happiness culled the fair wreath
Where joys redundant grew:
Hope's blossoms bloomed an annual round,
Nor one loved leaf died on the ground.

Ah! what this saddening change has wrought?
What cause for gloomy sighs?
What turns away, with painful haste,
From these fair scenes the eyes?
They ne'er more bright than now were found,
Nor shed a richer glory round.
Affliction's adverse blast has swept afar
Hope's golden blossoms, and bedimmed life's star.