Poems (Thaxter)/Mozart at the Fireside

by Celia Thaxter
Mozart at the Fireside
4569433Poems — Mozart at the FiresideCelia Thaxter
Autumn nights grow chilly:
See how faces bloom
By the cheerful fire-light,
In the quiet room!

Mother's amber necklace,
Father's beard of gold,
Rosy cheeks of little boys
All glowing from the cold,

Basket heaped with barberries
Coral red and bright,
Little Silver's shaggy fur
All shining in the light!

Barberries bright they 're picking,
And smile and do not speak;
Happy little youngest boy
Kisses mother's cheek,—

First mother's and then father's,
And nestles his pretty head
In the shining fur of Silver,
While they pick the barberries red.

At the piano sitting,
One touches the beautiful keys;
Silent they sit and listen
To magical melodies.

Heavenly, tender, and hopeful,
Balm for the saddest heart,
Rises the lovely music
Of the divine Mozart!

The children hear the birds sing,
And the voices of the May;
They feel the freshness of morning,
Before the toil of the day;

But father and mother listen
To a deeper undertone,
A strong arm, full of comfort, seems
About life's trouble thrown.

O children, when your summer
Passes, and winter is near,
When the sky is dim that was so bright,
And the way seems long and drear,

Remember the mighty master
Still touches the human heart,
Speaking afar from heaven,
The wonderful Mozart!

He can bring back your childhood
With his strains of airy grace,
Till life seems fresh and beautiful
Again for a little space:

With voices of lofty sweetness
He shall encourage you,
Till all good things seem possible,
And heaven's best promise true;

Till health and strength and loveliness
Blossom from stone and clod,
And the sad old world grows bright again
With the cheerfulness of God.