Poems (Toke)/Lines (See yonder Star! that brilliant orb of light)

For works with similar titles, see Lines.
4623854Poems — LinesEmma Toke
SEE yonder Star! that brilliant orb of light,
So calmly gliding through the dark blue sky.
Is soft and placid beams reflected clear
On ocean's heaving breast. There, like the ray
Of hope first dawning on the darkened mind,
Serene it shines, while all around is gloom.
How calm, how fair the scene! All nature rests,
And e'en the rocking billows seem to sleep
Beneath the moon's mild ray, which sheds a line
Of quivering light upon their heaving breast,
As if bespangled with a thousand gems.
Ally all is deep repose! Oh! hard the heart
And cold the eye that could unmoved gaze
On that fair scene, nor feel one softening thought,
One moonlight gleam of gentle memory pour
Its melting radiance on the inmost soul,
And light again sweet days for ever flown.


Torquay, December 21, 1830.