4623741Poems — Psalm CXXIIIEmma Toke
UNTO the hills I lift mine eyes,
From thence to look for aid;
From Him alone my help shall come,
Who heaven and earth has made.

He shall not let thy footsteps stray,
But still thy soul shall keep;
The Guard of Israel's watchful eye
Can ne'er be closed in sleep.

For God, the Lord, is He whose hand
Shall be thy shield and shade;
No sun by day, nor moon by night,
Can touch thy guarded head.

Oh yes; from all that's evil here,
From sin, and pain, and care,
The Lord shall safely keep thy soul,
And all thy sorrows bear.

Thy going out and coming in,
Our God shall still watch o'er,
And guide thee on from this time forth,
Yea, e'en for evermore.


September 29, 1832,