BLEST is the man who walketh not
In thoughtless sinners' ways,
Nor standeth in the ungodly's path,
Nor with the scornful stays;
But I the law of God most high,
Still finds his chief delight,
And meditates therein by day,
And through the silent night.

Like some fair tree that bends with fruit,
Fed by the sparkling rill,
His leaf shall ne'er decay, and all
He does shall prosper still.
But for the ungodly,—different far
Shall pass their fleeting day,
For they are like the scattered chaff
The wild wind whirls away.

Oh! in the judgment's awful hour
The godless shall not stand,
Nor sinners raise their guilty heads
Amid the righteous band.
For all the doings of the just,
The Lord now knows before,
And then the way of godless men
Shall perish evermore.


January 13, 1839.