4623751Poems — Psalm LXEmma Toke
OH God, our God! thou hast in wrath
Our bands dispersed, our leaders slain.
And scattered dimness o'er our path,
But turn Thyself to us again.
The earth now shakes beneath Thy power,
For Thou on it Thy wrath hast poured:
Heal Thou its broken wreck once more,
For lo! it trembles at Thy word.

Strange things Thy people now have seen,
Of fear and woe a dark array
Yea, Thou hast made us drink the wine
Of mingled wonder and dismay.
But unto those who fear Thy Name,
Thou hast in power and love conveyed
A glorious banner girt with flame,
To be in truth's great cause displayed.

And now to Thee, O God! I cry,
I flee for help to Thee alone;
Oh! send Thy succour from on high,
To save Thine own anointed one.
Who will to Edom guide my path?
Oh, wilt not Thou, the Lord of all?—
Thou who didst cast us off in wrath,
And left our guilty hosts to fall?

Be Thou our help, for in the day
When sorrow's dark and stormy wave
Sweeps all our fondest hopes away,
Oh! vain the help of man to save!
But through our God we still shall stand,
Nor fear our fiercest foes to meet;
For He shall smite them with His hand,
And tread them down beneath His feet.


October 8, 1852.