Poems (Toke)/Sonnet (My children! as I watch from year to year)

For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
4623789Poems — SonnetEmma Toke
MY children! as I watch from year to year
The gradual brightening of that heaven-born ray,
Which seems to shine in every guileless way,
The earnest question and believing ear,—
No marvel that I feel with anxious fear,
The charge that rests upon a mother's soul;
The future weal or woe of those so dear
Seems almost placed beneath Zer first control,
To whose deep love the Church restores again,
From the baptismal fountain born anew,
Christ's little ones, with ceaseless care to train,
In trustful reverence and submission due,
To watch and strive and pray, then humbly rest,
Secure what Thou, O Lord, shalt choose, must still be best.


March 19, 1843.