4478960Poems — Another WorldClara Augusta Jones Trask

There are brighter skies than these, I know;
Lands where no shadows lie,—
Fields where the flowers are always fresh,
And founts which never dry.
There are domes where the stars are never dim.
Where the moon forever gleams,
And the wind in music sweeps the hills
And ripples the crystal streams;
For often I've caught, in time of sleep,
A gorgeous glimpse of this hidden keep,
   Away in the Land of Dreams.

When Night lets down her pall of mist
On slender cords of air,
And the purple shades of the dying Day
Are teeming everywhere,
While the drowsy beetles chant their lay
In the wild field-lily's cells,
And the solemn voice of the homeless wind
Along the highland swells,
I know, by the cry of my soul within,
There's a place where they shut the gates on sin,
   And the God of glory dwells!