For works with similar titles, see Courage.
4478908Poems — CourageClara Augusta Jones Trask

Keep up your courage, friend,
Nor falter on the track;
Look up, toil bravely on,
And scorn to languish back.
A true heart rarely fails to win,—
A will can make a way;
The darkest night will yield at last
Unto the perfect day.

See yonder little flower
You've crushed beneath your tread,
The sunshine and the shower
Beat on its bended head;
Though bowed it is not broke:
It rises up again,
And sheds a sweet perfume across
The arid desert plain.

Then like the tender flower
Be ye, oh, weary man!
In countless ways God blesseth you,—
Deny it if you can.
You've love to cheer your heart,
You've strength, and gracious health;
For these full many a lordly peer
Would gladly yield his wealth.

Never despair! it kills the life,
And digs an early grave;
The man who rails so much at Fate
But makes himself her slave.
Up! rouse ye to the work!
Resolve to victory gain;
And hopes shall rise, and bear rich fruit,
Which long in dust have lain.