4479360Poems — NearerClara Augusta Jones Trask

One sweet and precious thought
Comes to me every night,
When dying day flushes the west
With blood-red gleams of light;
I'm nearer to the perfect life,
Nearer the great To-Be,—
Nearer the night when peace shall come!
Nearer, my love, to thee!

The winter's cruel cold
Sweeps o'er thy graveyard bed;
The white snow hovers tenderly
O'er thy unconscious head;
But peace and calm drop on my heart
With each declining sun,
For then, I think, 'twill not be long
Before we shall be one.

Through toil of hand and brain,
And heaviness of heart,—
Through all these long-drawn years
Since we have been apart,—
At each pale twilight's fall
Along the woodlands dim,
Some spirit-voice has whispered me,
"A day's length nearer him!"

Oh, Loved! and Lost! I wait,
And dream of the To-Come!
In faith I'm trusting Death to bring
Me to my one dear home.
And in the golden glow
Upon that summer shore,
We shall clasp hands, to live and love
Through all Forevermore.