For works with similar titles, see Summer.
4478986Poems — SummerClara Augusta Jones Trask

Summer on the mountains,
Where the heather blows;
Summer in the fountains,
Where the water flows,—
Bend the clouds in shadow
O'er the rocky height,
Sunshine in the meadow
With the clover white;
All the earth's a picture,
Made of shade and light.

Children pick the berries
All along the leas,—
Pluck the blood-red cherries
From the drooping trees,—
Chase the nimble squirrel
Over hill and brae,
Put the calm in peril
With their laughter gay;
Scatter wide the clover smell
From the new-mown hay.

At the hush of even,
Glow the silver stars,
Through the purple heaven's
Soft empyrean bars;
On the shore the billows
Break their melodies,
While the snow-winged vessels
Shiver in the breeze,—
God! thy living Spirit
Stands upon the seas.