Poems (Tree)/You Have Understood so Little of Me, and My Adoration

4562352Poems — You Have Understood so Little of Me, and My AdorationIris Tree


YOU have understood so little of me, and my adoration
That shone upon my forehead, like a crown of curious stones,
You turned into a cap and bells for Folly's coronation
And made a foolish tinkling from my laughter and my moans.

You have led me through the market like an ass upon the halter,
You have fed me upon thistles; I was driven by the crowd;
But my faith in what I am, my conceit, you cannot alter;
I was proud in pomp and purple, as a clown I leave you proud!

A greater pride than sits upon a throne for mere adorning,
A fiercer strength than in the gods of wood that cannot bow;
I tore my purple into rags and knelt to bear your scorning,
And I am rebel leader to a band of beggars now.

In the twilight of my love I stand and strew the bitter ashes;
They are blown into my eyes again, the fires that shone for you;
In the blushing of the sunset their ghostly fervour flashes
As they sink for everlasting in the darkness and the dew.

Your heart is as a moonstone hieroglyphed with secret letters;
You have never read my passion, as I never learnt their sign,
But I praise your haunting beauty and I bear the bruise of fetters
And I reel from your remembrance as I spill the ancient wine.

All those women I have envied with their pink and foolish faces,
Moths that have out-distanced me in circling round your head,
For the strangeness of your kisses and the curse of your embraces
And the frenzy of pursuing where your despot feet have led.

I will shout, and tear the darkness; I will snuff the candles sacred
With the rage of my abasement, with the blast of my farewell;
I will smile with cynic softness, but my tears are dropping acrid
And sizzling in a gutter down the white-hot streets of Hell!