Poems (Truesdell)/I was not always sorrowful

4478265Poems — I was not always sorrowfulHelen Truesdell
I was not always sorrowful,
Nor was I always sad;
Nay, fond hopes once dwelt in my heart,
And made my spirit glad.

But now those hopes have passed away—
Hopes far too bright to last;
They faded when the autumn flowers
Sank 'neath the autumn blast.

Those gentle hopes have passed away—
Hopes unto mortals given,
That they may have a foretaste, here,
Of their blest home in heaven.

Oh! once I had a blessed dream,—
It filled me with delight:—
A vision full of happiness
Stole o'er me in the night.

I thought the absent and the loved
Was standing by my side,
In all his youthful loveliness—
In all his manhood's pride.

At first, amid a crowd be stood;
But quick to me he came,
And, in his soft, endearing tone,
He fondly breathed my name.

I started up—I would not lose,
For worlds, a single word;
For every feeling of my soul
By that dear voice was stirred.

He said—"Oh! I am happy now,—
Far happier than when here;
Then cease to wear a saddened brow,
Or shed for me a tear.

"For could you see my happy home—
Those mansions of the blest,
Where all can hang confidingly
Upon their Saviour's breast,

"You would not wish to call me back
To this dark world of woe;
Not e'en thy voice could bid me stay,—
Then, dear one, let me go."

Long years have passed since that dear form
Last lingered on my sight,
And Hope hath woven many a dream
To cheer the gloom of night;

But never to my spirit yet,
One, half so sweet, was given,
As that which came with gentle hopes
To point my soul to heaven.