Poems (Truesdell)/Song of the Mountain Maid

by Helen Truesdell
Song of the Mountain Maid
4478272Poems — Song of the Mountain MaidHelen Truesdell
I dwell in the mountains, far away
From the busy scenes of strife,
Where the flowers in their shadowy beauty lay,
And the air is with fragrance rife;
Where the ringdove fills the groves with song,
And all the birds of spring
Their lovely matin notes prolong,
While the dew's on each glittering wing.

A lovely and sheltered cot is mine,
Closed round with its summer screen
Of many a fair and clustering vine,
On a carpet of tufted green:
My father and mother bless me oft,
For I am their only child;
And their gentle accents, sweet and soft,
Bring joy to the mountains wild.