For works with similar titles, see Prayer.
4513860Poems — A PrayerKatharine Tynan
Now wilt me take for Jesus' sake, Nor cast me out at all; I shall not fear the foe awake, Saved by Thy City wall; But in the night with no affright Shall hear him steal without, Who may not scale Thy wall of might, Thy bastion, nor redoubt.
Full well I know that to the foe Wilt yield me not for aye, Unless mine own hand should undo The gates that are my stay; My folly and pride should open wide Thy doors and set me free 'Mid tigers striped and panthers pied Far from Thy liberty.
Unless by debt myself I set Outside Thy loving ken, And yield myself by weight of debt Unto my fellow-men. Deal with my guilt Thou as Thou wilt, And "hold "I shall not cry, So I be Thine in storm and shine,Thine only till I die.