4514077Poems — PoplarKatharine Tynan
The blinding sky 's unkind,
The day has dust and glare,
The poplar keeps the wind
In her cage of light and air,
Makes of her leaves a snare
To keep the wind confined;
All in the breathless glare
The poplar holds the wind.

O cool and beautiful
Her leaves of silver-gray
Hang in the wind so cool
In the blind and breathless day,
Turn in the wind at play,
Fresh as a little pool
That in the forest gray
Holds silver fins and cool.

All other trees are still,
The oak, the elm, and the beech,
But the poplar hath her fill
Of soft and gracious speech.
The winds are out of reach
Beyond the sea and the hill
For the oak, and elm, and beech,
But the poplar hath her fill.