4490611Poems — I Weep NotAmelia Welby
  I weep not as I wept   When first they laid thee low; My sorrow all too deep is kept   To melt like common wo;   Nor do my lips e'er part   With whispers of thy name, But thou art shrined in this hushed heart,   And that is all the same.
  I could be happy now,   Had memory flown with thee, But I still hear a whisper low,  And memory will not flee;   A whisper that doth tell   Of thee, and thee alone, A memory, like the ocean-shell,   For ever making moan.
  For how can I forget   Thine eye of softest brown,With its pale lid, just touched with jet,  And always drooping down;   And thy sweet form of grace,   That went to rest too soon, And the turning up of thy young face   Beneath the placid moon!
  I sometimes think thy hand   Is on my forehead prest, And almost feel thy tresses, fanned   Across my beating breast,  And catch the sunny flow   Of thy mantle on the air,And turn to see if it is so—  Alas! thou art not there!
  And I wander out alone   Beside the singing rills,When nothing but the wind's low tone   Comes stealing down the hills;   And while along the deep   The moonbeams softly shine,My silent soul goes forth to keep   Its blessed tryste with thine.
  I weep not though thou'rt laid   In such a lone dark place,Thou, who didst live without a shade,  To cloud thy sweet young face;   For now thy spirit sings   Where angel-ones have trod, Veiling their faces 'neath their wings   Around the throne of God.
  Thy faults were slight and few   As human faults could be,And thy virtues were as many too,   As gems beneath the sea;   And thy thoughts did heavenward roam   Until, like links of gold,They drew thee up to thy blue home   Within the Saviour's fold.