For works with similar titles, see Music.
4491112Poems — MusicAmelia Welby
O'er the bright moonlit sea
Let music swell;
Breathe round me melody
Where'er I dwell.

If on the ocean deep
Lonely I roam,
Let music round me sweep—
Music of home.

As the tones mingling float
With the waves play,
Soothing will be each note,
Melting away.

When mid the gladsome throng,
Joyous I feel,
Let a rich tide of song
Soft round me steal.

Or should my pensive heart
Feel sad and lone,
There's nought can heal each smart
Like music's tone.

When I am touched by death—
On some loved breast,
Listening to music's breath
Lull me to rest.

And when I'm borne along
To my last sleep,
Break forth in mournful song
Mellow and deep.

O'er the bright moonlit sea
Let music swell,
Breathe round me melody
Where'er I dwell.