Poems (Welby)/On Seeing an Infant Sleeping on its Mother's Bosom

by Amelia Welby
On Seeing an Infant Sleeping on its Mother's Bosom
4490605Poems — On Seeing an Infant Sleeping on its Mother's BosomAmelia Welby
It lay upon its mother's breast, a thing
Bright as a dew-drop when it first descends,
Or as the plumage of an angel's wing
Where every tint of rainbow beauty blends;
It had soft violet eyes, that, 'neath each lid
Half-closed upon them, like bright waters shone;
While its small dimpled hands were slily hid
In the warm bosom that it nestled on.

There was a beam in that young mother's eye,
Lit by the feelings that she could not speak,
As from her lips a plaintive lullaby
Stirred the bright tresses on her infant's cheek;
While now and then, with melting heart, she prest
Soft kisses on its red and smiling lips,
Lips, sweet as rose-buds in fresh beauty drest
Ere the young murmuring bee their honey sips.

It was a fragrant eve, the sky was full
Of burning stars, that, tremulously clear,
Shone on those lovely ones, while the low lull
Of falling waters fell upon the ear;
And the new moon, like a pure shell of pearl
Encircled by the blue waves of the deep,
Lay 'mid the fleecy clouds, that love to curl
Around the stars when they their vigils keep.

My heart grew softer, as I gazed upon
That youthful mother as she soothed to rest,
With a low song, her loved and cherished one,
The bud of promise, on her gentle breast;
For 't is a sight, that angel-ones above
May stoop to gaze on from their bowers of bliss,
When Innocence upon the breast of love
Is cradled, in a sinful world like this.