Poems (Welby)/The Violet's Song to the Lost Fairy

by Amelia Welby
The Violet's Song to the Lost Fairy
4491101Poems — The Violet's Song to the Lost FairyAmelia Welby
Come to me, fairy queen,Stars o'er thee, lightly Floating in dazzling sheen,Glimmer out brightly; Moonbeams are glittering On each pure blossom—Fold up thy weary wing, Come to my bosom.
Sleep, like a dewy cloud,On thy brow presses; Round thy form, like a shroud, Droop thy fair tresses; Heavy thine eyelids close O'er thy glance shaded; I '11 give thee soft repose,Thou lost and faded.
Each lily's pearly cup Sheds out pale gleamings; Roses are folded up To their sweet dreamings; Hark! how the night-winds pass, Mournfully sighing, Through the down-trailing grass—Where art thou flying?
Where the young willow-boughs Greenly are waving, Where the blue streamlet flows Sunny banks laving, There sit thy fairy few, Their glances veiling 'Neath tears that fall like dew, Thy loss bewailing.
I've oped my azure bell Wide to receive thee, Where if thou 'lt ever dwell None may deceive thee; I'll breathe my faint perfume On thy lip only—Love thee through joy and gloom,Thou fair and lonely.