4500321Poems — GirlsJeannie Copes White
Three of them,—those girlies all,
Sisters, friends, and playmates small.
One with eyes of clearest blue,
One has orbs of grayish hue,
Brown eyes has the other one;
All pairs shine out full of fun.
Then the different colored heads,
Yellow, brown, and one is red.
Every head is bobbed alike;
Change is in the color bright.
And on top, as paused in flight,
Butterflies with wings so bright
Had to sip the honey sweet,
These human flowers they meet.
This the bow of ribbon tied
Just a little on one side;
Heads so round, and held so high,
Poised to look toward the sky;
Carrying their backs so straight;
Squaring shoulders is the fate
Limbs that are so firm and round,
Footsteps passing without sound,
Hands so white, that give a touch
Gentle, cool, and even such
That when ill, you like to feel
Tapering fingers gently heal.
Three short skirts and six bare limbs,—
Socks of course, with slipped rims.
Dresses, when they go to school,—
Brightest plaids, it seems, the rule.
When to Sunday School they go
Fresh and white their garments show,
And when off to bed they creep
You will have to take a peep.
See from chin to tip of toe,
Gowned in white, and all in row,
On their knees that they may pray
Properly. And then they lay
Down in quiet, dreamless sleep,
Such as healthy children reap.

When you hear their voices clear,
Thanking you,—for, never fear,
Their politeness is not slow;
It is real, for it will flow
Freely to the rich and poor
Or the beggar at the door.
It will make you feel repaid
For what service you've made.
Glad they are to help some way,
Cheerful, tactful, bright and gay,
Making home a pleasant place
With their kisses, songs and face.
Ah, these girls t You little girl!
Your sweet mission in this world
Well you know, and do your part,
Taking all the world unsought.
Knowledge taught by your small heart,
Finished, rounded, perfect art.
Leave us not, for how could we
Live, or any pleasure see?
How could we such comfort know,
If we did not love you so?