For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
2665072Poems by Felicia Dorothea Browne — Sonnet - Where nature's grand romantic charms inviteFelicia Hemans


Where nature's grand romantic charms invite
    The glowing rapture of the soul refin'd;
    In scenes like these the young poetic mind
May court the dreams of fancy with delight;
And dear to those by every muse inspir'd,
    The rural landscape, and the prospect fair;
They love in mountain solitudes retir'd,
    To own illusions that may banish care.
These gentle visions ever shall remain,
    To soothe the poet in his pensive hours;
    For him shall Fancy cull Piërian flowers,
And strew her garlands o'er the path of pain:
For him shall Memory shed her pensive ray,
O'er the soft hours of life's enchanting May.