Nothing from this particular issue has been transcribed yet - you can help by proofreading some pages! (transcription project)
Main Features (not listed in original)
- Electricity from the Air
- Motorless Ships of the Air
- The Man on Foot Strikes Back
- Tigers of the Insect World by Rene Bache
- Do the Stars Rule Our Destiny? by J. Earle Miller
- Home, Sweet Home of the Future
- The Border Patrol
- Burning 'em Up
- The Iron Horse Snorts Defiance by Hubert Malkus
- Wrong Side Up!
- Conquering Age-Old Sea Perils
- On the Trail of the Quake
- Easy Pencil Tricks by Sam Brown
- The Radio Doctor by E. R. Haan
- Building a Perfect-Tone Amplifier
- Helpful Hints from Radio Experts
- An Electric "Aladdin's Lamp" by Dick Hutchinson
- Stunts for the Camera by Robert Gregg
- Build This Model of Flying Cloud by James Tate
- How to Fold a Tent Single-Handed by R. R. Carryl
- Mantel Clock Made from Old Alarm by R. W. Madden
- Artistic Plaques Are Easy to Make by R. O. Buck
- Safety Guard for Friction Drill by Albert A. Bailley
- Is This Your Home?
Popular Mechanics also includes many small articles. These are included at the end of each of the above featured articles.