Popular Science Monthly/Volume 16/April 1880/Literary Notices



The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoölogy, with 82 Illustrations. By T. H. Huxley, F.R.S. Pp. 371. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Price, $1.75.

The purpose of this book will probably be better brought out by an inversion of the title so that it shall read, "The Study of Zoölogy as exemplified in the Crayfish." The work is a contribution to scientific education in the biological field, and conforms to the modern and now well-settled method of passing from the study of concrete details to the investigation of general principles. Instead of beginning with propositions which are the outcome of past inquiry concerning living things as a whole, the student, on the other hand, commences by making himself familiar with some one particular organism, and, haying mastered the elementary facts by direct acquaintance and actual knowledge, he then uses this knowledge in extending the range of his studies to other organisms and their relations in the animal kingdom. Professor Huxley has taken the crayfish as the creature best suited for the accomplishment of this object. The information in relation to it is full and valuable, but the book has not been made merely as a monograph on the natural history of this crustacean. Its aim is to lead the student through a large portion of the field of scientific biology, in such a way that he will certainly and thoroughly know the subject; and the crayfish is chosen to attain this end because, all things considered, it is the best-fitted animal to do this. It would be misleading to represent this book as in the ordinary sense a popular one. It undoubtedly contains a good deal of information pertaining to natural history which will be read with general interest, but it was the well-defined purpose of the author in its careful preparation to make a book for biological students that should introduce them aright to the pursuit of their science, and, as the author says, they can only gain its intended advantages by going through the volume, "crayfish in hand." Immense labor has been bestowed upon the work in bringing it into its proper, simplified, and thoroughly methodical shape, and no doubt Professor Huxley could have written a work for the "International Series" with half the effort he has here expended. But he has chosen to avail himself of this channel of communication with different countries to give a new impulse and higher direction to the study of that comprehensive and most important science to which he has devoted his life. Mere book-education and half-knowledge he would, no doubt, admit to be better than nothing, but he would maintain that they are only tolerable as they tend to prepare for genuine and solid scientific acquisitions.

Huxley's "Crayfish" will at once become the text-book of classes which desire to enter the field of natural history by the right path; and it may be very strongly recommended to groups of young people forming clubs or voluntary classes to pursue the study by the method of self-instruction. It is a book, indeed, better suited than any other we know for any young person, with a teacher or without, who wishes to get a right start in cultivating this branch of science.

The Refutation of Darwinism and the Converse Theory of Development; based exclusively upon Darwin's Facts. By T. Warren O'Neill, Member of the Philadelphia Bar. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. Pp. 454. Price, $2.50.

Opposite in every respect to Huxley's book is this volume of Mr. O'Neill upon an aspect of the same subject. Huxley's idea is that, when a man makes a biological book, he ought really to know something about the matter—to know it at first hand independently and authoritatively. But this man, who comes forward to put an end to Darwin, has no scientific credentials, but, quite the contrary, he reports himself as a member of the bar. That is, he is an advocate, a professional hireling, who first gets a fee and then argues accordingly. His vocation is not to search for truth by the methods of science, but to win cases by the methods of law-practice. Mr. O'Neill comes into biology as an attorney who proposes to show what dialectics is capable of by refuting Darwin with his own facts, and showing how he can work them all backward and establish a converse theory of development.

We gather, from a very hasty glance at his book, which is all that it is worth, that the author's position is this: He assumes the exploded doctrine of the fixity, or what he calls the normal immutability, of species—the old traditional doctrine that prevailed before the rise of modern biological knowledge. As man was created perfect and "fell," so species were created with a primitive "physiological integrity" from which they have become degraded. So the Darwinian progress, proved by Darwinian facts, is but a kind of atavism or reversion upward toward the recovery of lost characters. The book is ingenious from the lawyer's point of view, and makes merry throughout at the expense of Mr. Darwin's gross ignorance of the subjects to which he has devoted his life, but which become luminous in the hands of the man who really knows nothing about them. Another book ia promised by the author, and meantime we recommend the present one to all young law-students, that they may see what they are in danger of coming to.

The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, under the Direction of Mr. N. H. Winchell. 1879. Pp. 123.

This survey was conducted during 1878 in the northern part of the State, and was devoted principally to the examination of the coast-line of Lake Superior from Duluth to the Pigeon River, for geological and lithological data. It was intended to give especial attention to mining interests, but very few persons were found to have any concern in them, and no actual mining is now done in the State. The zoölogical and botanical investigations were kept in abeyance, or carried only so far as possible without much additional expense. The ornithological section made, however, satisfactory progress, and a good account is given in the report of the plants of the northern shore of Lake Superior. A paper is appended by Mr. C. L. Herrick on the microscopic Entomostraca of the State, with twenty-one full-page plates of illustrations; the first attempt, the author believes, that has been made to describe these little crustaceans as a class.

The Kansas Review. Vol. L, No. 1. November, 1879. Monthly. 75 cents per year.

This succeeds the "Kansas Collegiate" as the periodical of the students of the University of Kansas. Its scope will be more general than that of its predecessor; and it begins by having something to say on scientific and practical subjects. The number before us hag signed papers on "Molecules," the comets of the year, and the college course, and the health of college girls.

The Californian. A Western Monthly Magazine. Vol. I., No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 100. Price, $3 a year.

This is a new periodical, of prepossessing appearance, published by the A. Roman Publishing Company at San Francisco. The first number offers a varied list of articles, among which "The Pacific Coast and Geodetic Surveys" and "Physical and Moral Influence of the Vine" are of scientific interest.

Zoölogy for Students and General Readers. By A. S. Packard, Jr., M. D., Ph. D., Professor of Zoölogy in Brown University. With numerous Illustrations. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 719. Price, $3.

Dr. Packard has produced a superior text-book for the use of zoological students. It is considerably fuller than the ordinary manuals, and provides for pretty thorough study without taking rank among the voluminous and exhaustive treatises. The general reader will find much in it to interest him, but it has been prepared for the advantage of working students; and the author's purpose will only be attained as the learner uses the work to acquire a direct and actual knowledge of zoölogical science. The author thus states the objects he has had in view in preparing his books: "Should this manual aid in the work of education, stimulate students to test the statements presented in it by personal observations, and thus elicit some degree of the independence and self-reliance characteristic of the original investigator, and also lead them to entertain broad views in biology, and to sympathize with the more advanced and more natural ideas now taught by the leading biologists of our time, the author will feel more than repaid."

Problems of Life and Mind. Third Series. By George Henry Lewes. Boston: Houghton, Osgood & Co. 1880. Pp. 500. Price, $3.

This volume contains all the remaining manuscript of the "Problems of Life and Mind" left by Mr. Lewes at the time of his death. Together with a small volume, published a year ago, it forms his contribution proper to psychology, though his "Physical Basis of Mind," in any extended view of the science, also forms a part. In the former volume the aim and scope of the science were considered, and in this the inquiry is carried a few steps into the science itself. The work opens with a discussion of the question of mind as a function of the organism, in which the distinctive views of Mr. Lewes, as to the nature of mind and its relation to the organized body in which its phenomena are manifested, are set forth with clearness, and some of the opposing views criticised with effect. The "sphere of sense and logic of feeling" occupies the author in the second problem of the work, and the like domain of intellect and the logic of signs is considered in the fragment of the remaining problem. Like all the works of this series, the present has the fault of too great diffuseness and unnecessary repetition, but it contains much that is valuable, many suggestive hints, and a good deal of strong thinking. Any examination of the positions taken by the work, or of their relation to the teachings of other psychologists, is impossible here, and nothing further need therefore be said save that students, to whom the subject is of interest, will find this, as all his other works, interesting throughout, and the exposition remarkably lucid.

The Younger Edda. With an Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, and Index. By R. B. Anderson. Chicago: S. C Griggs & Co. 1880. Pp. 302. Price, 82.

Most people know something of the mythologies and traditions of Greece and Rome, of India and China; but few know anything of those of our Teutonic ancestors, the Norsemen. To bring before English readers the chief features of the theory of creation of these northern peoples. Professor Anderson has undertaken the translation of "The Younger Edda" of Iceland, contained in this volume. Together with "The Elder Edda" this forms a complete system of things. "The Elder Edda presents," says Professor Anderson, "the Odinic faith in a series of lays or rhapsodies," while "The Younger Edda contains the systematized theogony and cosmogony of our forefathers. The two constitute, as it were, the Odinic Bible." The translation is accompanied with very full notes.

Elementary Lessons on Sound. By Dr. W. H. Stone. London: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 188. Price, 80 cents.

In this little volume are given briefly the main facts of acoustics, with special regard to their relation to music, besides information that is properly intermediate and supplementary to both acoustics and music. It is clearly written and contains in a small compass a large amount of information.

A Dictionary of German Terms used in Medicine. By George K. Cutter, M. D., Surgeon of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon to the St. Catherine's and Williamsburg Hospitals, etc. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

The student of scientific works written in foreign languages encounters many difficulties in the technical terms. They are not given in the ordinary dictionaries, or, if they are, it is as common words with common meanings, and not with any view to scientific correctness. The terms of German science are formed by the composition of native roots, and have no analogous forms in the scientific terms of other languages, and thus frequently offer a double difficulty. The meaning may be thought out, but it is often with risk to accuracy. In the absence of any German medical dictionary corresponding to Dunglison's dictionary, Dr. Cutter has been in the habit for twenty years of writing down the technical terms he met, and their definitions when they could be ascertained. He now publishes the results of these labors in this volume of three hundred double-columned pages of words and their definitions. Its value does not have to be proclaimed.

Theology and Mythology. An Inquiry into the Claims of Biblical Inspiration and the Supernatural Element in Religion. By Alfred H. O'Donoghue. New York: Charles P. Somerby. Pp. 194. Price, $1.

Theology and mythology in this work are ranked together, and the writer maintains that they are both to be outgrown with the progress of knowledge. His point of view is thoroughly naturalistic; but the author protests that his book is written in no spirit of hostility to the religious sentiment of mankind. It seeks to get rid of manifest error, and is content with what remains.

Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. By Sir George W. Cox and E. H. Jones. First American from second English edition. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 505. Price, $2.25.

This is a book of old mediæval legends and stories, the authors of which nobody knows anything about, and which have been revamped and thrown into the modern market. It is claimed that there is considerable new matter about Arthur and his Knights, and that the whole contents have undergone revision so as to make them acceptable to the taste of the readers of these times. The book contains the story of Merlin, Sir Tristram, Roland, Bewulf, Guy of Warwick, the Volsungs, and many others.

The American Entomologist. An Illustrated Magazine of Practical and Popular Entomology. Edited by C. V. Riley and A. S. Fuller, Washington, D. C. Published by Max Jaegerhuber, 323 Pearl Street, New York. Vol. I., New Series, No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 24. $2 a year in advance.

Professor Riley begins with this number a new series of "The American Entomologist." It will be, as it was before, practical and popular, and devoted not to entomology alone, but also to other branches of science so far as they are collateral or related to entomology. Arrangements will be made for the publication of local lists and purely descriptive matter as it may be furnished, without encroaching upon the space devoted to matter of general interest.

The American Monthly Microscopical Journal. Conducted by Romyn Hitchcock, F. R. M. S. Vol. I., No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 20. $1 a year.

This takes the place of the "American Quarterly Microscopical Journal," and is intended to be an authoritative and trustworthy periodical for all persons interested in microscopy. Among the subjects which will be treated of at an early date is the detection of adulterations in food, and a translation of Eyferth's "Simplest Forms of Life," by the editor, is promised.

Economics of Industry. By Alfred and Mary Paley Marshall. London: Macmillan & Co. 1879. Pp. 228. Price, $1.

This is an attempt to give in a concise form the outline of the science of economics as laid down by Mr. Mill, and as improved by writers since his time. It consists of a consideration of the laws of the production and distribution of wealth; such subjects as banking, foreign trade, and taxation being reserved for a future volume.

Mémoire sur le Fer Natif du Groenland, et sur la Dolerite qui le renferme. (Memorandum on the Native Iron of Greenland and on the Dolerite which incloses it.) By J. Lawrence Smith, of Louisville, Ky. From the "Annales de Chimie et de Physique," Fifth Series, vol. xvi., 1879. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

Professor NordenskJöld found in Greenland during his expedition of 1870 considerable masses of native iron inclosed in the dolerite rocks of Ovifak, in the Island of Diseo. Several authors have regarded the metal as of meteoric origin, but Messrs. Johnstrup and Steenstrup, of Copenhagen, have expressed a different opinion, and M. Daubrée, of Paris, is in doubt. The present treatise describes the special studies of the author upon different specimens of the iron, and the conclusions he has derived from them. The iron is found inclosed in solid blocks in the mass of the dolerite. It is of different degrees of purity, some of the specimens being malleable and containing from 80 to 93 per cent, of metal, and others composed of the oxide, or of iron mixed with dolerite. From careful analyses of the specimens and an investigation of their constituents and surroundings, Mr. Smith comes to the conclusion that the iron can not be of meteoric origin, but is of terrestrial production, and originated in the secondary age.

Die Entwicklung des Menschen-geschlechtes. (The Development of the Human Race.) By Dr. Adelrich Steinach, of New York. Basel, Switzerland: Benno Schwabe.

This volume, though it has been the first to appear, is intended to be the second part of a work on the system of organic development. It considers the subject from the Darwinian but not from the materialistic point of view. It first regards man in his place in the world, in the mechanical and teleological aspect, afterward as related to the animals and as related to the individuals of his own species. Under the last head are given discussions of the differences among men and the manner in which they are formed, the hereditability of character and race-features, and the conditions and relations under which the propagation and spread of the race are carried on. The question of the unity of the species is considered as pertinent to this point. The place of man in time forms a second division of the subject; under it are discussed the origin of the race and the light thrown upon it by the earliest relics that have been discovered, and the centers from which the different families have spread. The development of intelligence is treated of in a third division, as related to culture, language, and civilization, the last head including the three subdivisions of development in religious and moral views and regulations, the development of social life and usages, and industrial and scientific efforts. The plan of the work is systematic, the method of treatment and the style are plain and straightforward, the thoughts are richly illustrated with citations of facts, and the manner is modest.

Das Bier und seine Bereitung einst und jetzt. Freie Zymotechnische Studien. (Beer and its Manufacture formerly and now. Free Zymotechnic Studies.) By Hans von der Planitz. Munich: R. Oldenbourg.

The author of this monograph is a young man who received a part of his education in the United States, and has since been associated in scientific and practical operations in connection with brewing works in Germany. He has intended to give all that is known respecting beer, and has embodied in his not very large pamphlet a great amount of historical, technical, and statistical information. He traces the history of beer from ancient Egypt, where it appears to have been first mentioned, to Greece; and discusses the theory that it was carried to western Europe through Armenia, Scythia, and the Celtic and Teutonic migrations. The extent and condition of the manufacture and trade in the middle ages and the usages of the time in respect to them next come under view, after which we are brought down to the present, with its carefully studied processes and the recognition of beer as a staple article of production and consumption in nearly all countries. In this department the fruits of scientific studies are reviewed, the arguments for and against the use of beer are mentioned, and the place it occupies in the economy of the industrial and commercial world is defined. The statistical information is full and detailed, and is given for every country in which beer is an important product, and separately for the different parts of Germany. The pamphlet is full of matter that is interesting even to those who have no other concern in the subject than that of curiosity.

The Berkeley Quarterly. Vol. I., No. 1. January, 1880. Pp. 80. $2 a year.

This is a new journal of social science, published by the Fortnightly Club, at Berkeley, California. Its purpose is defined to be to give public expression to the individual views of members of the Club on topics pertaining to society, to stimulate other persons to investigate such topics, and to furnish a suitable medium for the publication of papers upon them. The January number contains six papers on questions of government, the guidance of society, civil service, and related topics.

The Workshop Companion. New York: Industrial Publication Company. 1879. Pp. 158. Price, 35 cents.

This is a collection of such recipes, rules, processes, and practical hints as will be found of use in the workshop and the household. It has been the aim of the compiler to give only such recipes as he has tested and found reliable, and such information of processes and methods as will meet the needs of those concerned with them. The contents are arranged alphabetically, and as far as possible all information appertaining to any one subject is given under one heading.

Blowpipe Analysis. By J. Landauer. Authorized English edition, by James Taylor and William E. Kay, of Owens College, Manchester. London: Macmillan & Co. 18mo. pp. 161. 1879. Price, $1.50.

The author having been invited to prepare a German edition of Elderhorst's "Manual," his attention was drawn to the fact that in all works on the subject the chemical aspects were subordinated to the mineralogical. He determined to prepare a work from the chemical point of view, following only the peculiar and practical arrangement of Elderhorst. The translation has been printed under the personal supervision of the author.

United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part V. Report of the Commissioner for 1877. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 8vo, pp. 981. With Plates. 1879.

The report embraces, first, the result of inquiries into the condition of the fisheries of the seacoast and lakes of the United States; and, second, the history of the methods adopted for the introduction of useful food-fishes into its waters. The most important single fact ascertained by the Commission during the year was the existence on the whole coast of New England of a large flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), known in Europe as the pole or craig, an excellent food-fish, with the best qualities of the turbot, occurring in abundance and entirely unknown to the fishermen. Special attention has been given so far to the sea-salmon of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, the landlocked salmon, the white-fish, the shad, the fresh-water herring, and the German carp. Attention will be given to the cultivation of the smelt; and it is hoped, some time, that specimens of the Oriental gourami, a useful fresh-water fish, will be added to the list. The most valuable and by far the largest part of the volume is occupied with the Appendix, more than half of which is taken up with a treatise on the menhaden and its products, amply illustrated, and a large part of the other half with papers on the cod, the cod-fisheries of the Loffoden Islands, and other fisheries of Norway.

Guides for Science-Teaching.—The Boston Society of Natural History is publishing a series of guides for science-teaching, consisting of small pamphlet handbooks, each devoted to a special subject, with illustrations when they are called for. The books are designed as aids to teachers who wish to instruct their classes in natural history—not to be used as text-books—and give, besides illustrations and instructions as to the modes of presentation and study, hints for collecting, preserving, and preparing specimens. "Pebbles," by Professor Alpheus Hyatt, illustrates the way in which a common object may be used in teaching. "Concerning a Few Common Plants," by Professor Goodale, tells of the organs or "helpful parts" of plants, and how they can be cultivated and used in the schoolroom for the mental training of children. Other books are "A First Lesson in Natural History," by Mrs. Agassiz; and "Commercial and other Sponges, and Common Hydroids, Corals, and Echinoderms," by Professor Alpheus Hyatt. Boston: Ginn Brothers.

The Report of the Commissioners of Fisheries of the State of California for THE Years 1878 and 1879 records the progress of the efforts to stock the rivers and lakes of the State with valuable fish; and gives also a report by Mr. W. L. Lockington upon the food-fishes of San Francisco. The introduction of salmon into the Sacramento River has been attended with great success. White-fish have thriven in the lakes. Seventy-four catfish from the Raritan River, planted in lakes near Sacramento in 1874, have increased to millions, and furnish an immense supply of food. Sacramento: State Printing-Office.

The Report of the Entomologist of the United States, Department of Agriculture, is largely occupied with the description of insects affecting the cotton-plant, and of the silk-worm and its culture. It also notices a considerable number of insects which are locally destructive to vegetation. Washington: Government Printing-Office.

A Lecture on Petroleum, its History, Commercial Importance, Uses, and Dangers, by P. Schneitzer, Ph. D., of the Missouri State University, embodies a great deal of information on the subject in a small pamphlet. Printed at Columbia, Missouri.

Vowel Theories, by Alexander Graham Bell, describes investigations into the physiology of the formation of the vowels in the throat and mouth, and experiments with the phonograph, which were undertaken by Mr. Bell with reference to their bearing upon Helmholtz's theory of the harmonic composition of the vowel-sounds. New York: William Wood & Co.

"The Industrial News and Inventor's Guide." This is a new journal, edited by Mr. C. B. Norton, and is the organ of the American Industrial Exhibit Company (limited) of New York. It is a monthly magazine of twenty pages quarto, illustrated, the special object of which is stated to be to bring invention and capital together under favorable circumstances and at little expense. The first number is filled with matter relating to the Australian Exhibitions and new inventions. $2 per annum.

The Form of Seeds as a Factor in Natural Selection in Plants, by Robert E. C. Stearns, is an account of studies on the succession of predominant plants in the fields near the University of California, illustrating the advantages which burr-seeded or bearded-seeded plants possess in the struggle for existence.

On Meteoric Fireballs seen in the United States during the Year ending March 31, 1879, by Professor Daniel Kirkwood, is an account of all the meteors observed during the time which were brought to the notice of the author, with the attendant circumstances and phenomena. Many of the descriptions were given by the observers personally; others are gathered from reports made where the meteors were seen.

Indian Corn, by E. Lewis Sturdevant, M. D., though brief, is an exhaustive treatise on the subject. It gives the botanical definition of the plant, its bibliography, its synonyms in all countries, its history and mythology in America, its European history, accounts of its original varieties and its minor variations, of the Indian cultivation, and of the products from the grain, and the classification of varieties, with numerous references to authorities. Among the special questions discussed is whether corn was not known in Europe before Columbus, having been introduced by the Northmen. It seems to have been known in China as early as the sixteenth century. Charles Van Benthuysen & Sons, Albany, N. Y.


The Action of the United States Tariff. By Alfred Tyler, F. G. S. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sods. 1880. Pp. 16. 10 cents.

What Christians Believe. By Miles Gaylord Bullock, Ph. D. Syracuse, New York: Thomas W. Durston & Co. 1879. Pp. 218. 35 cents.

The Cause of Humanity. By Courtlandt Palmer. Published for the Society of Humanity, 141 Eighth Street, New York. Pp. 77. 25 cents.

An Epitome of the Positive Philosophy and Religion explanatory of the Society of Humanity, with an Important Letter of Harriet Martineau regarding her Religious Convictions. Published by the Society of Humanity, New York. Pp. 50.

Memorandum in regard to Instruction in the Mechanic Arts. By Edward Atkinson. 1879. Pp. 11.

Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory. No. 5. Micrometrical Measurements of 1,054 Double Stars. Cincinnati. 1879. Pp. 180.

Politics and Schools. By Sidney G. Cooke. Syracuse, New York; Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 23.

Formation of Ground Ice in the Rapids of the Mississippi. By Dr. R. J. Farquharson. From "Proceedings Davenport Academy of Sciences," 1878. Pp. 6.

The Elements of Education. By Charles J. Buel. Syracuse, New York: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1880. Pp. 25.

First Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Connecticut, for the Year ending November 31, 1878. Hartford, Connecticut. 1879. Pp. 112.

Suggestions on Rural Hygiene. Circular No. 5 of Connecticut State Board of Health. Hartford, Connecticut. Pp. 11. Illustrated.

List of a Collection of Aculeate Hymenoptera made by S. W. Williston in Northwestern Kansas, pp. 20; The American Bembecidæ, pp. 7; and Generic Arrangement of the Bees allied to Melissodes and Authophora, pp. 9. By W. H. Patton. From the "Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey." Washington, 1879.

Antiseptics in Obstetrics and Gynecology. By T, A. Ashby, M. D. Baltimore: Borst & Co., Printers. 1880. Pp. 13.

The Effect of Alum on the Human System when used in Baking-Powders. By Henry A. Mott, Jr., Ph. D. New York. 1880. Pp. 60.

On the Coincidence of the Bright Lines of the Oxygen Spectrum with Bright Lines in the Solar Spectrum, pp. 16; and On Photographing the Spectra of the Stars and Planets, pp. 7. By Henry Draper, M. D. Reprints from "American Journal of Science and Arts," October and December, 1879.

Catalogue of the Pacific Coast Fungi. Published under the Direction of the California Academy of Sciences. H. W. Harkness, M. D., J. P. Moore, A. M. 1880. Pp. 46.

Principal Characters of American Jurassic Dinosaurs. By Professor O. C. Marsh. Part III., with Six Plates. From "American Journal of Science," March, 1880.

Our Public Schools, in their Relation to the Health of Pupils. By J. T. Reeve, M. D. Appleton, Wisconsin. Pp. 27.

Our Schoolhouses. By Professor T. W. Chittenden. Appleton, Wisconsin. Pp. 28.

Annual Reports of the Inspector. Principal, and Physician of the Ontario Institution for the Education of the Blind, Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Printed by C. B. Robinson, Toronto. 1880. Pp. 23.

Report of Work of the Agricultural Experiment Station, Middletown, Connecticut, 1877-'78. By Professor W. O. Atwater, Hartford. 1879. Pp. 174.

Economic Monographs. No. VI. Free Ships. By John Codman. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. 25 cents.

Unity Pulpit. Boston. Sermons of M. L. Savage. Vol. I. No. 12. Morals and Knowledge; No. 13. A New Year; No. 14. Rights and Duties in Matters of Opinion; No. 15. Moral Sanctions; No. 16. The Religious Uses of the Imagination; No. 18. Religion, Public Education, and the State; No. 19. The Church and the Theatre; No. 20. Religion in Business. Boston: George H. Ellis. 1880. 6 cents per copy, or $1.50 a year.

Circulars of Information of the Bureau of Education. Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4, and 5. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1879.

The Cotton-Worm. By Charles V. Riley, Ph. D. Bulletin No. 3, United States Entomological Commission. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880. Pp. 144. Illustrated.

Quarterly Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics. Treasury Department of the United States. For the Three Months ending September 30, 1879. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880. Pp. 127.

Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Vol. V., Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Washington: Government Printing-office. 1879.

Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. Parts 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, Vol. II. By Thomas Mehan. Illustrated by Chromolithographs. Boston: L. Prang & Co. 50 cents per part.

Around the World with General Grant. By John Russell Young. Parts 3 to 18 inclusive. New York: Subscription-Book Department of the American News Company. 50 cents per part. Pp. 64 each.

Introduction to the Study of Sign-Language among the North American Indians. By Garrick Mallery. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1880. Pp. 63, with Illustrations.

Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College. Vol. XI., Part 2. Photometric Observations. By Edward C. Pickering, Director, aided by Arthur Searle and Winslow Upton. University Press, John Wilson & Son, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1879. Pp. 124.

Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. By P. V. Hayden, United States Geologist. Washington: Government Printing-Office. 1878. Pp. 546. With numerous Maps and Engravings.

Half a Hundred Songs for the Schoolroom and Home. By Hattie Sanford Russell. Syracuse, N. Y.: Davis, Bardeen & Co. 1879. Pp. 103.

Four Lectures on Early Child-Culture. By W. N. Hailmann. Milwaukee, Wis.: Carl Doerflinger. 1880. Pp. 74. Paper, 25 cents; flexible cloth, 40 cents.

Eyesight, Good and Bad. By Robert Brudenell Carter, F. R. C. S. Illustrated. London: Macmillan & Co. 1880. Pp. 265. $1.50.

Key to Ghostism. By Rev. Thomas Mitchell. New York: S. R. Wells & Co. 1880. Pp. 249. $1.25.

A Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. By George Wilson, M. A., M. D. Fourth edition. Enlarged and revised. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston. 1880. Pp. 468. $2.75.

The Perception of Space and Matter. By Rev. Johnston Estep Walter. Boston: Estes & Lauriat. 1879. Pp. 451.

Sunshine and Storm in the East. By Mrs. Brassey. With upward of 100 Illustrations. New York: H. Holt & Co. 1880. Pp. 448. $3.50.

A Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion. By Dr. George M. Beard. New York: William Wood & Co. 1880. Pp. 198.

A Forbidden Land. Voyages to the Corea. By Ernest Oppert. With 2 Charts and 21 Illustrations. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1880. Pp. 349. $3.