Popular Science Monthly/Volume 38/February 1891/Publications Received


American Chemical Society. Journal. October, 1890. New York: John Polhemus. Pp. 54. $5 a year.

Baker, Daniel W. History of the Harvard College Observatory. Pp. 32, with Plates.

Baldwin, James. Harper's Sixth Reader. American Book Company. Pp. 504. 90 cents.

Binet, Alfred. On Double Consciousness. Open Court Publishing Co. Pp. 93.

Binz, Dr. C. (Bonn). Quinine as a Prophylactic against Malarial Fever. New York: Boehringer &, Soehne. Pp. 24.

Bird. Charles. Elementary Geology. Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 248, with Map.

Bissell, Mary Taylor, M. D. Household Hygiene. New York: N. D. C. Hodges. Pp. 83. 75 cents.

Borden, John. Two Essays on Economics. Chicago: S. A. Maxwell & Co. Pp. 139.

Burt, W. H., M. D. Consumption and Liquids. Chicago: W. T. Keener. Pp. 233. $ .50.

Cajori, Florian. The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States. United States Bureau of Education. Pp. 400.

Clark, J. S., & Co., Louisville, Ky. Epitaphs, Original and Selected. 25 cents.

Cook, George H. Final Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey. Vol. II, Part II. Zoölogy. New Brunswick, N. J.: Irving S. Upson, Geologist in Charge. Pp. 824.

Cornell University Experiment Station. Bulletins Nos. 21 and 22. Pp. 28.

Dawson, George M. Later Physiographical Geology of the Rocky Mountain Region. Pp. 75, with Plates.

Delaware College Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark, Del. Bulletin No. 10. Pp. 82.

Ebers. Georg. The Elixir and other Tales. Gottsberger & Co. Pp. 261.

Fuller, J. Morrison, Boston. To-day. Published weekly. Pp. 116. 5 cents.

Hyatt, Alpheus, and Arms, J. M. Insecta. Heath & Co. Pp. 300.

Iowa, Pioneer Lawn-Makers, Association. Reunions of 1886 and 1890, Des Moines. Pp. 167.—State Board of Health Monthly Bulletin. Pp. 16.

Jago, William. Inorganic Chemistry. Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 458.

Lange, Helene. Higher Education of Women in Europe. D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 186.

Lewis, T. H., St. Paul, Minn. Quartz-Workers of Little Falls. Pp. 3.

Lockyer, Norman. The Meteoric Hypothesis. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 560. $5.25.

Locomotive, The. Hartford Steam-boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. Monthly. Pp. 24.

Lowell, Augustus. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Commemorative Address. Pp. 24.

Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8.

Meehan, Thomas, Philadelphia. Contributions to the Life Histories of Plants. Pp. 8.

Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletins 65 to 69. Pp. 7 to 20 each.

Mitchell, Clifford, M. D. A Clinical Study of Diseases of the Kidneys. Chicago: W. T. Keener. Pp. 431. $3.

Morris, I. H. Practical Plane and Solid Geometry. Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 260.

New England Meteorological Society, W. M. Davis, Director. Investigations in the Year 1889.

New York Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin No. 24. Pp. 20, with Plates.

Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Columbus. Bulletin for September, 1890. Pp. 16.

Oldberg, Oscar. A Manual of Weights and Measures. Pp. 250. $1.50—Do., and Long, John H. A Laboratory Manual of Chemistry. Pp. 457, with Plates. $3.52. Chicago: W. T. Keener.

Ontario Department of Agriculture. Foul Brood among Bees. Pp. 30.

Photo-gravure Company, New York. Sun and Shade. November, 1890. 40 cents. $4 a year.

Pasadena, Cal. Report of Public Schools for 1890. Pp. 33.

Philadelphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine. Announcement. Pp. 12.

Pickering, E. C, and Wendell, O. C. Harvard College Observatory. Results of Observations with the Meridian Photometer. 1882-'88. Pp. 267.

Pope Manufacturing Company. Desk Calendar for 1891.

Remsen, Ira, Editor. American Chemical Journal. Vol. XII, No. 8, Pp. 75. 50 cents. $4 a volume.

Reynolds, John P., M. D.. Boston. The Limiting of Child-hearing among the Married. Pp. 24.

Riley, C. V., and Howard, L. O., Editors. Insect Life. Vol. Ill, No. 4. Washington: Division of Entomology, Department of Agriculture. Pp. 48.

Rotch, A. Lawrence. Observations at Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory, Mass., in 1889. Pp. 76.

Shufeldt, R. W., M. D. Osteology of Arctic and Subarctic Water-Birds. Part VIII. Pp. 18.

Sime, James. Geography of Europe. Pp. 341. 80 cents.

Skidmore, Sidney T., Philadelphia. University Extension. Pp. 12.

Smith, John B. Mouth Parts of the Diptera. Pp. 20.

Specialties. Monthly. London. Pp. 12.

Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf. The Philosophy of Fiction in Literature. Longmans. Pp. 226.

Tillier, Claude. My Uncle Benjamin. Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker. Pp. 312.

Tingle, J. Bishop. Hjelt's Principles of General Inorganic Chemistry (translated). Longmans. Pp. 220.

United States National Museum, Washington. The Coast Indians of Southern Alaska and Southern British Columbia. Pp. 130, with Plates—Fire-making Apparatus. By Walter Hough. Pp. 57.—Handbook of Prehistoric Archæology. By Thomas Wilson. Pp. 72.—Corean Mortuary Pottery. By Pierre Louis Jouy. Pp. 8.—Osteological Characteristics of the Family Amphipnoidæ. By Theodore Gill. Pp. 4.—Inquiry respecting Palæolithic Man in North America. By Thomas Wilson. Pp. 36.—Expedition to Funk Island and the Great Auk. By Frederic A. Lucas. Pp. 36, with Plate.—Hippisley Collection of Chinese Porcelains. By Alfred E. Hippisley. Pp. 104.—Report of Section on Transportation and Engineering. By J. Elfreth Watkins. Pp. 5.—Report on Oriental Antiquities. By Cyrus Adler. Pp. 12.—Report on Condition and Progress. By G. Brown Goode. Pp. 84.

Werge, John. The Evolution of Photography London: Piper &, Carter, and the author. Pp. 812, with Plates.

Willoughby, Westel W. The Supreme Court of the United States. Johns Hopkins Press. Pp. 124.

Winchell, Alexander, Ann Arbor, Mich. Recent Observations on some Canadian Rocks. Pp. 12.

Wardel, Robert B. Recent Theories of Geometrical Isomerism. Salem, Mass.: Salem Press.

Tale University Observatory. Report for 1889-'90. Pp. 18.