Popular Science Monthly/Volume 48/March 1896/Publications Received


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Michigan State Agricultural College: Farmers' Institutes, Winter, 1894-'95.—New Hampshire College: Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts; Agricultural College Extension; An Agricultural College at Home.—New York Station: Currants.—Ohio Station: The Grape-root Worm.—Purdue University Station: The Improvement of Unproductive Black Soils.—United States Department: North American Fauna, No. 10; Weather and Crop Service, Vol. V, No. 12.

Bailey, L. H. Plant Breeding. London and New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 293. $1.

Brittain, John. Teacher's Manual of Nature Lessons. St. John, N B.: J. and A. McMillan. Pp 115.

Bulletins, Catalogues, Reports, Reprints, etc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Publications. Pp. 515-530.—American Chemical Society. Programme of Twelfth General Meeting, 1895. Boas, Herr Franz. Zur Anthropologie der Nordamerikanischen Indianer, aus den Verhandlungen der Berliner anthropologischen Gesellschaft.—Bruen, A. J. Our Charities, etc.—Call, R E. The Unionidæ of the Ohio River and The Strepomatidæ of the Falls of the Ohio. From Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, No. 4, 1894.—Chicago Academy of Natural Sciences. Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 2. Outline of Now Classification of the Muricidæ; also Thirty-eighth Annual Report, 1895.—Fewkes, J. W. A Contribution to Ethnobotany. From American Anthropologist, January, 1896.—Field Columbian Museum. Publication 7, Vol. I, No. 2. On Certain Portions of the Skeleton of Protostega Gigas—Forbes, E. H. Epidote from Huntington, Mass., and The Optical Properties of Epidote. From American Journal of Science, Vol. F, 1896.-Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vol. VII, pp. 31-94. Glacial Deposits of the Southwestern Alberta in the Vicinity of the Rocky Mountains, and Geographical Evolution of Cuba.—Guiteras, John, M. D. The United States and Cuba. Review of Documents relating to Intervention of the United States in Affairs of Spanish-American Colonies. Pp. 17.—Harvard College Astronomical Observatory. Report for Year ending September 30, 1895.—Hinsdale, Guy, M. D. Recent Measures for the Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis. From Transactions, American Climatological Association, for 1895.—Light Cars. Sheffield Car Company. Pp. 96.—Pyburn, Dr. George. The Responsibility of Men of Science in Relation to Social Problems.—Railways, Income Account of. Interstate Commerce Commission, Publication of.—Rotzell, W. B. Birds of Narburth, Pa., and Vicinity.—Seaman, William H. Relations of Chemistry to Education. Address of Retiring President of Chemical Society of Washington.—Simonds, Frederic W. Floating Sand. From American Geologist, Vol. XVII, January, 1896.—Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. XVII, 1894.—Talmage, J. E. University of Utah. Notes concerning a Peculiarly Marked Sedimentary Rock from Vicinity of Glen Canyon, Arizona.—University of the State of New York. Report of Extension Department, 1894.—Ward, Lester F. Plutocracy and Paternalism. From Forum, November, 1895; and Sociology and Biology. From American Journal of Sociology, November, 1895.

Chavez, Ezeguiel A. Geografia Elemental. Paris and Mexico: Ch. Bouret. Pp. 79.

Chittenden, Hiram Martin. The Yellowstone National Park Illustrated. Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Co. Pp. 397.

Columbian, The. Monthly. Illustrated. Pp. 90. 10 cents.

Cooke, M. C. Introduction to the Study of Fungi. London: Adam and Charles Black. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 360. $3.50.

Curry, J. L. M. Difficulties connected with the Education of the Negro. Pp. 23. 25 cents.

Dall, William Healey. Alaska as it was and is. Bulletin of the Philosophical Society of Washington.

Douglas, James. Cantor Lectures on Recent American Methods and Appliances employed in the Metallurgy of Copper, Lead, Gold, and Silver. London: William Trounch. Pp. 41. 1s.

Drown, Thomas Messinger, Lehigh University. The Educational Value of Engineering Studies. Pp. 30.

Education, Report of Commissioner of, for the Year 1892-'93. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 1224.

Glazebrook, R. T. Mechanics, an Elementary Text-book, Theoretical and Practical. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 208. $2.25.

Harvard College Astronomical Observatory Annals. A Catalogue of 7,922 Southern Stars observed with the Meridian Photometer during the Years 1889-'91, by S. I. Bailey; Observations made at the Blue Hills Meteorological Observatory in the Year 1894; Observations of the New England Weather Service in the Year 1894.

Hiorns. Arthur H. Principles of Metallurgy. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 388. $1.00.

Holman, Silas W. Computation Rules for Logarithms. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp text 45, tables 73. $1.

Hudson, W. H. British Birds, with a Chapter on Structure and Classification by Frank E. Beddard, Illustrated. New York and London: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 8(53. $3.50.

Jameson, Charles D., State University of Iowa. Portland Cement. A Monograph. Pp. 192.

Jordan, David Starr, and Starks, E. C. The Fishes of Puget Sound. Pp. text 69, plates 30. Leland Stanford, Jr., University Publications.

Marey, E. J. Movement. New York: D. Appleton & Co. International Scientific Series, No. 73. Pp. 323. $1.75.

Roth, Filibert. Timber. Pp. 88. United States Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 10.

Schultz, F. W. Politics and Patriotism. Boston: Arena Publishing Co. Pp. 496.

Smith, George H. The Theory of the State. Pp. 160. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. XXXIV, No. 148.

Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 989. The Composition of Expired Air and its Effects upon Animal Life. Pp. 81.

Society for Psychical Research, Proceedings of. Part 29, Vol. II. Pp. 303. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.

Technical Journal, The. Monthly. New York. Pp. 16. 50 cents a year, 10 cents a copy.

Terrestrial Magnetism. An International Quarterly. The University of Chicago Press. $2 a year, 50 cents a copy.

Thompson, C. J. S. The Chemist's Compendium. New York and London: Whittaker & Co. Pp. 230. $1.

Turpin, G. S. Practical Inorganic Chemistry. New York and London: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 158. 60 cents.

Williams, R. P. Chemical Experiments, General and Analytical. Boston and London: Ginn & Co. Pp. 166.