Popular Science Monthly/Volume 51/July 1897/Publications Received


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins, Reports, etc. Cornell University: Nos. 181, 132. Plums, Celery.—Hatch, Massachusetts Agricultural College: Nos. 44-47. Tests of Fruits and Seeds, Fertilizers, the American Toad, Tobacco.—Michigan State Agricultural College; Nos. 141144. Forage Crops, Wheat, Fruit Tests, Vegetables.—New York: Nos. 114, 117-124, with Popular Editions of the same. Many subjects.—Ohio: No. 74. Fifteenth Annual Report. Pp. 42; Nos. 77, 78. Destructive Insects, Corn.—Oregon: No. 44. Sugar Beets. Pp. 48.—Purdue University: Special and Commercial Fertilizers. Pp. 8, with Sheet Table.—Tennessee State Board of Health: Bulletin, May, 1897. Pp. 16.—United States Department of Agriculture: Studies of American Grasses. Pp. 20, with plates: Some Common Bird-in their Relation to Agriculture. By F. E. L. Beal. Pp. 40.—North Dakota Climate and Crop Service. March, 1897. Pp. 6.—University of Illinois: Nos. 47, 48. Broom-Corn Smut. San Jose Seals. Pp. 60 and 26.

Baillet, Thomas M., Springfield, Mass. Manual Training: Its Educational Value. Pp. 18.

Bayliss, Clara Kern. In Brook and Bayou; or, Life in the Still Waters. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 180, with plates. 60 cents.

Bulletins, Proceedings, Serials, etc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: January, February, and March, 1897. Pp. 165, with 3 plates.—American Microscopical Society: Nineteenth Annual Meeting, August, 1896. Pp. 413. Columbia University Bulletin, March, 1897. Pp. 72. Macmillan Co.—Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences. Pp. 392.—Minnesota Botanical Studies. Conway MacMillan, editor. Parts X and XI. Pp. 340. with 42 plates.—Public Libraries: International Conference number. May, 1897. Pp. 96. Library Bureau, Chicago.—Revista de la Instrucción Publica Mexicana. Semi-monthly. Mexico. Pp. 32.—Société Neuchâtelaise de Géographie (Neuchâtel Geographical Society). Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Pp. 402.—United States Department of Labor. Pp. 130.

Cooke, Frances E. England (History for Young Readers). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 253. 50 cents.

Crehore, A. C, and Squire, G. O. The Synchronograph. A New Method of Transmitting Intelligence by the Alternating Current. Pp. 31, with plates.

Demoor, Jean, Mas art, Jean, and Vander Velde, Emile. L'Evolution Régressive en Biologie et en Sociologie (Retrogressive Evolution in Biology and Sociology). Paris: Félix Alcan. Pp. 324.

Dixon. D. B. The Mechanical Arts Simplified. Chicago: Lair & Lee. Pp. 497.

Equitist, The. Fortnightly. Vol. I, No. 1. W. E. Brokaw, Editor. New York: Estella Bachman Brokaw, publisher. Pp. 8. 5 cents.

Fuertes, James H Water and Public Health. The Relative Purity of Waters from Different Sources. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 75. $1.50.

Hubrecht, A. A. W. The Descent of the Primates. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Pp. 41 $1.

Kingsley, J. S. In Memoriam, Edward Drinker Cope. Pp. 10 of text, with portraits. Philadelphia: American Naturalist.

Kroeker, K. F. Germany (History for Young Readers). New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 251. 60 cents.

Logan, John A., Jr. In Joyful Russia. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 275. $3.50.

Mason, William P. Water Supply, considered principally from a Sanitary Standpoint. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 504. $5.

Merrill, George P. Stones for Building and Decoration. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 516. $5.

Moore, D. R., and Stanley, N. B. A Treatise on the Philosophy of Art. Pp 23.

Morris, Robert T., M. D. Lectures on Appendicitis and Notes on other Subjects. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 173.

Prosser, Charles S. Comparison of the Carboniferous and Permian Formations of Nebraska and Kansas. Chicago: University of Chicago. Pp. 41.

Reports. United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries (John J. Brice). Pp. 145. White Pine Timber Supplies. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture. Pp. 20.—Zoölogical Society of Philadelphia: Twentieth Annual Report of the Board of Directors. Pp. 16.

Reprints. Boas, Franz: The Decorative Art of the Indians of the North Pacific Coast. Pp. 54.—Chaille, Prof. Stanford E.: The Practice of Medicine as a Money-making Occupation. Pp. 10.—Hoffman, Walter J.: On Native Indian Pictography. Pp. 10.—Linell, Martin L.: Insects collected by Dr. Abbott on the Seychelles and other Islands, with Description of Nine New Species of Coleoptera. Pp. 20.—Mason, Otis Tufton: Influence of Environment upon Human Industries or Arts. Pp. 20.—Mason. Prof. W. P.: Sanitary Problems connected with Municipal Water Supply. Pp. 21.—Mooney, James: The Ghost-Dance Religion, and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890. Washington: Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. 500.—Mercer, Henry O.: The Finding of the Fossil Sloth at Big Bone Cave, Tennessee. Pp. 39—Richmond, Charles W.: Birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in Madagascar, with Descriptions of Three New Species. Pp. 20.—Rotch, A. Lawrence: On obtaining Meteorological Records in the Upper Air by Means of Kites and Balloons. Pp. 8—Rutter, Cloudsley: A Collection of Fishes obtained in Swatow, China, by Miss Adele M. Fields. Pp. 36.—Schuchen, Charles: On the Fossil Phyllopod Genera Dipeltis and Protocaris of the Family Apodidæ. Pp. 9, with plate.

Revue Diplomatique et Coloniale (Diplomatic and Colonial Review). Bimonthly summary of external politics. Henri Pensa, Director. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1897. Paris: Bureau des Revues, 19 Rue des Saints Pères. Pp. 64. 12 fr. .50 a year.

Sands, Manie. The Opposites of the Universe, Part IV. Ethological and Egological Opposites. A Discourse about Conduct. New York: Peter Eckler, 35 Fulton St. Pp. 89. 50 cents.

Schneider, A. Reagents and Reactions known by the Names of their Authors. Revised and enlarged by Dr. Julius Altschul. Translated by Richard Fischer. Milwaukee: Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Company. Pp. 82.

Smith, William Benjamin, Tulane University. The Origin and Significance of Disease. New Orleans. Pp. 25.

Solly, S. Edwin. A Handbook of Medical Climatology. Philadelphia and New York: Lea Brothers & Co. Pp. 470. $4.

Thruston, Gates P. The Antiquities of Tennessee and the Adjacent States. Second edition, with New Chapters, Notes, and Illustrations. Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Company. Pp. 369, with plates. $4.

United States Treasury Department. Notice to Mariners for April, 1897. Pp. 16.

Walker, Judge J. C. Waco, Texas. What is the Unit of Life? Pp. 16.

Ward, Lester F. Dynamic Sociology, as based upon Statical Sociology and less Complex Sciences. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 2 vols. Pp. 706 and 690.