Popular Science Monthly/Volume 58/Index

I N D E X.

Abruzzi, Duke of, Ascent of Mt. St. Elias 661
Aerial Navigation, Recent Progress in, Charles H. Cochrane 616
Agricultural, Experiment Stations 102
"Soils 667
Agriculture 101
Agriculture 328
"Department of 332
"Appropriations for the 556
Aitken's Road Making and Maintenance 438
Alcohol, Utilization of, in the Human Body 554
American, Astronomical Instruments 331
""Hall of Fame 108
Anthropological Department of the British Association, Address before the, T. H. Huxley 267
Appropriations for the Department of Agriculture 556
Aquarium, The New York, Charles L. Bristol 405
Artificial Propagation of Fish 335
Asphaltum for a Modern Street, S. F. Peckham 225
Atkinson, Edward, Distribution of Taxes 54
Atkinson's Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms 440
Atomic Weights, Standard for 110
Atwater's Experiments on the Nutritive Value of Alcohol 554
Autonous, Story of, William Henry Hudson 276
Averbury, Lord, Huxley's Life and Work 337

Bacteria, and Fermentation 445
"and Dairy Products 559
Bacterial Life, Effect of Physical Agents on, Allan Macfadyen 238
Bailey's, Cyclopedia of American Horticulture 327
""Botany 661
Bailey, Solon I., The Planet Eros 641
Battleship Building, Rapid, Waldon Fawcett 28
Bibliographies of Engineering 439
Botany 327
Botany 661
Bradley, W. P., Submarine Navigation 156
Bristol, Charles L., The New York Aquarium 405
British Association for the Advancement of Science, Address of the President, Sir William Turner 34
Burckhalter on the Photography of Solar Eclipses 214
Camprell, W. W., James Edward Keeler 85
Carpenter on South America 662
Carus's History of the Devil 440
Celli on Malaria 660
Century of the Study of Meteorites, Oliver C. Farrington 429
Chapters on the Stars, Simon Newcomb 3
Chapters on the Stars, Simon Newcomb 130
Chapters on the Stars, Simon Newcomb 307
Chapters on the Stars, Simon Newcomb 413
Chapters on the Stars, Simon Newcomb 449
Cheese-making, Microbes in, H. W. Conn 148
Chicago, University of, What it Stanus for, Eugene Parsons 652
China, William Barclay Parsons 69
"Scientific Knowledge regarding 107
" Crisis in 662
China's Open Door, Wildman's 662
Chinese Commerce, William Barclay Parsons 193
Christian Science, J. Edward Smith 434
""Joseph Jastrow 550
Christmas Island 98
Cities, Growth of 221
Cochrane, Charles H., Recent Progress in Aerial Navigation 616
Comparative Physiology, Loeb's 328
Conn, H. W., Microbes in Cheese-making 148
Crawley, Edwin S., Geometry: Ancient and Modern 257
Cuban Teachers, Height and Weight of, Dudley Allen Sargent 480
Cyclopedia of American Horticulture, Bailey's 327

Dairy Products, Bacteria and 559
Davidson's History of Education 218
Dephlogisticated Air, Joseph Priestley 115
Development of Unfertilized Eggs 443
Devil, History of the, Carus's 440
Dexter, Edwin G., Suicide and the Weather 604
Distances, Science of, George S. Robertson 526
Distribution of Taxes, Edward Atkinson 54

Eastman's Manual of Paleontology 98
Eclipses, Photography of Solar 214
Economic Life of France, Edward D. Jones 287
Education 218
Education 329
"Two Contemporary Problems in, Paul H. Hanus 585
Eggs, Development of Unfertilized 443
Electrical Charges of Atoms 106
Elements, Inert 446
Elements, Inert 558
Ellis, Havelock, Study of British Genius 372
Ellis, Havelock, Study of British Genius 540
Ellis, Havelock, Study of British Genius 595
Emory, Frederic, The Foreign Trade of the United States 625
Energy and Work of the Human Body, Edward B. Rosa 208
Engineering 438
Engler's Die Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien 661
Eros, The Planet, Solon I. Bailey 641
Evermann and Jordan on the Fishes of North and Middle America 100
Existence of Air in the Acid of Nitre. Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier 123
Explosive, High, Throwing from Powder Guns, Hudson Maxim 493
Fairbanks, Harold W., Pyramid Lake, Nevada 505

Famines and Sun Spots 335
Farrington, Oliver C., A Century of the Study of Meteorites 429
Fawcett, Waldon, Rapid Battleship Building 28
Ferments, Inorganic 220
Fish, Artificial Propagation of 335
"Commission 334
Fishes of North and Middle America Jordan and Evermann 100
Fleury's, Medicine and the Mind 216
Flies and Tvphoid Fever, L. O. Howard 249
Flournoy's Des Indes à la Planète Mars 217
Flow of Rocks 445
Folk-lore 440
Foreign, Plants, Introduction of 332
"Trade of the United States, Frederic Emory 625
Forest Reservations 222
Forestry 327
"Yale School of 221
"and Irrigation 332
Foundations of Knowledge, Ormond's 552
France, Economic Life of, Edward D. Jones 287
Freedom and 'Free-will,' George Stuart Fullerton 183
Frizell's Water Power 440
Fullerton, George Stuart, Freedom and 'Free-will,' 183

Garrison, George P., Scientific and Literary Historians 92
Genius, A Study of British, Havelock Ellis 372
Genius, A Study of British, Havelock Ellis 540
Genius, A Study of British, Havelock Ellis 595
"Men of, Origin of, C. W. Super 657
Geologist Awheel, William H. Hobbs 515
Geometry: Ancient and Modern, Edwin S. Crawley 257
Government, Science and the 556
Green's Vegetable Physiology 327
Growth of Cities 221

Habits, Formation of, in the Turtle, Robert Mearns Yerkes 519
Hanus, Paul H., Two Contemporary Problems in Education 585
Hastie on Kant's Cosmogony 659
Height and Weight of the Cuban Teachers, Dudley Allen Sargent 480
Historians, Scientific and Literary, George P. Garrison 92
History, Rescue Work in, David Starr Jordan 81
Hobbs, William H., The Geologist Awheel 515
Howard, L. O., Flies and Typhoid Fever 249
Huxley, T. H., Address before the Anthropological Department of the British Association 267
Huxley's Life and Work, Lord Avebury 337
Hypnotism in Mental and Moral Culture, Quackenbos's 214

Index to Literature of Animal Industry, Thompson's 328
Inert Elements 446
Inert Elements 558
Ingersoll's Nature's Calendar 99
Inoculation of Soils 220
Inorganic Ferments 220
Inventor of the Sewing Machine, Vindicator 551
Irrigation, Use of Water in 101
"and Drainage, King on 439
"Forestry and 332
Jastrow, Joseph, Christian Science 550

Jastrow's Fact and Fable in Psychology 328
Johnston and Mead on the Use of Water in Irrigation 101
Jones, Edward D., Economic Life of France 287
Jordan, David Starr, Rescue Work in History 81
Jordan and Evermann's Fishes of North and Middle America 100

Kant and the Nebular Hypothesis 659
Keeler, James Edward, W. W. Campbell 85
""Portrait of 2
King on Irrigation and Drainage 439
Knowledge and Belief 659
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, Existence of Air in the Acid of Nitre 123
""Nature of Acids 127

Lavoisier 219
"Monument (frontispiece) 114
Leeuwenhoek, Malpighi, Swammerdam, William A. Locy 561
Lippincott's, Storage of Water on Gila River, Arizona 439
Loeb's Comparative Physiology of the Brain and Comparative Psychology 328

MacCunn's 'Making of Character,' 329
Mackadyen, Allen, Effect of Physical Agents on Bacterial Life 238
Malaria. George M. Sternberg 360
"In Italy, Celli's 660
Malpighi, Swammerdam and Leeuwenhoek, William A. Locy 561
Maxim, Hudson, Throwing a High Explosive from Powder Guns 493
Mead and Johnston's Use of Water in Irrigation 101
Medicine and the Mind, Fleury's 216
Meteorites, A Century of the Study of, Oliver C. Farrington 429
Microbes in Cheese-making, H. W. Conn 148
Milk of Tuberculous Cows 559
Mosquitoes, and Malaria 109
"Yellow Fever and 219
Municipal, Government Now and a Hundred Years Ago, Clinton Rogers Woodruff 60
"Water-works Laboratories, George C. Whipple 172
Museum, National 557
Mushrooms, Edible and Poisonous, Atkinson's 440
Mycology 440

National, Museum 557
"Physical Laboratory of Great Britain 558
"Bureau of Standards 330
"Bureau of Standards 665
Nature's Calendar, Ingersoll's 99
Naval Observatory of the United States 442
Naval Observatory of the United States 557
Naval Observatory of the United States 666
Navigation, Submarine, W. P. Bradley 156
Nebular Hypothesis 106
""Kant and the 659
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 3
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 130
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 307
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 413
Newcomb, Simon, Chapters on the Stars 449
Newspaper Science 447
New York Aquarium, Charles L. Bristol 405
Nobel Prizes 107

Obscurity in Scientific Publications, An Editor 324
Observatory, Naval 442
Observatory, Naval 557
Observatory, Naval 666
Ormond's Foundations of Knowledge 552
Ornithology 100
Packard, Alpheus S., Prehistoric Tombs of Eastern Algeria 397

Paleontology 98
Parsons, William Barclay, China 69
""Chinese Commerce 193
Pearson's Grammar of Science, C. S. Peirce 296
Peckham, S. F., Asphaltum for a Modern Street 225
Peirce, C. S., Pearson's Grammar of Science 296
Perseus, A New Star in 666
Philippines Two Hundred Years Ago, E. E. Slosson 393
Philosophy 103
Physical Agents, Effect on Bacterial Life, Allan Macfadyen 238
Photography of Solar Eclipses 214
Population of the United States during the Next Ten Centuries, H. S. Pritchett 49
"""Chas. E. Woodruff 656
Prehistoric Tombs of Eastern Algeria, Alpheus S. Packard 397
Priestley, Joseph, on Dephlogisticated Air 115
Pritchett, H. S., Population of the United States during the Next Ten Centuries 49
Prodigies 223
Psychical Institute, The Proposed 109
Psychological Congress, The International 109
Psychology 214
"Fact and Fable in, Jastrow's 328
Pyramid Lake, Nevada, Harold W. Fairbanks 505

Quackenbos's Hypnotism in Mental and Moral Culture 214

Random Remarks of a Lady Scientist, Rebecca Sharpe 548
Rapid Battleship Building, Waldon Fawcett 28
Rate of Express Trains 111
Rescue Work in History, David Starr Jordan 81
Retardation of Science, An Editor 95
Road Making and Maintenance, Aitken's 438
Robertson, George S., Science of Distances 526
Rocks, Flow of 445
Rosa, Edward B., Energy and Work of the Human Body 208
Royal Engineering College 664
Sargent, Dudley Allen, Height and Weight of the Cuban Teachers 480
"""Schiaparelli 111

Science, and the Government 556
Science, and the Government 666
"in the Nineteenth Century and in the Reign of Queen Victoria 555
"of Distances, George S. Robertson 526
"Retardation of, An Editor 95
Scientific, and Literary Historians, George P. Garrison 92
"Items 112
"Items 224
"Items 336
"Items 447
"Items 560
"Items 668
"Societies 443
Scruggs on the Colombian and Venezuelan Republics 662
Sewing Machine, Inventor of, Vindicator 551
Sharpe, Rebecca, Random Remarks of a Lady Scientist 548
Shooting Stars 553
Slosson, E. E., The Philippines Two Hundred Years Ago 393
Smith, J. Edward, Defense of Christian Science 434
Societies, Scientific 443
Soils, Inoculation of 220
St. Elias, Ascent of Mt. 661
Standard for Atomic Weights 110
Standardizing Bureau 330
Standardizing Bureau 665
Stanford University 663
Star, New, in Perseus 667
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 3
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 130
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 307
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 413
Stars, Chapters on the, Simon Newcomb 449
Stirling's What is Thought? 103
Sternberg, George M., Malaria 360
Storage of Water on Gila River, Arizona, Lippincott's 439
Story of Autonous, William Henry Hudson 276
Suicide and the Weather, Edwin G. Dexter 604
Super, C. W., Origin of Men of Genius 657
Swammerdam, Malpighi and Leeuwenhoek, William A. Locy 561
Thurston, R. H., Law of Substance 467
Tillson on Street Pavements and Paving Materials 438
Tobacco, Sumatra, Growth of 446
Tombs of Eastern Algeria, Prehistoric, Alpheus S. Packard 397
Topographic Surveying, Wilson on 438
Trade, Foreign, of the United States, Frederic Emory 625
Trains, Rate of 111
Travel and Exploration 661
Tuberculous Cows, Milk of 559
Turner, William, Address of the President before the British Association for the Advancement of Science 34
Turner's Knowledge and Belief 659
Turtle, Formation of Habits in, Robert Mearns Yerkes 519
Typhoid Fever, Flies and, L. O. Howard 249

Universities, Association of 664
Utilization of Food and Alcohol in the Human Body 554

Viereck, on Latin in the German Gymnasium 218
Vindicator, The Inventor of the Sewing Machine 551
von Zittel's Manual of Paleontology, Eastman's 98

Water, Use of, in Irrigation, Mead and Johnston's 101
"Power, Frizell on 440
Watts, Harvey Maitland, The Weather vs. the Newspapers 381
Weather, vs. the Newspapers, Harvey Maitland Watts 381
"Suicide and the, Edwin G. Dexter 604
Whipple, George G, Municipal Water-works Laboratories 172
Wilcox on the Rockies of Canada 662
Wildman on the Crisis in China 662
Wilson's Topographic Surveying 438
Woodruff, Chas. E., The Population of the United States during the Next Ten Centuries 656
Woodruff, Clinton Rogers, Municipal Government Now and a Hundred Years Ago 60

Yale Forestry School 221
Yellow Fever and Mosquitoes 219
Yerkes, Robert Mearns, Formation of Habits in the Turtle 519

Zittel, von. Manual of Paleontology 98
Zoology 99