"Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper" is a fairy tale translated and illustrated by the Brothers Dalziel. Published in 1865 by George Routledge and Sons, it embodies a classic folk tale myth-element of unjust oppression before triumphant reward. The still-popular story of Cinderella continues to influence popular culture internationally, lending plot elements, allusions, and tropes to a wide variety of media.

There was, many years ago, a gentleman who had a charming lady for his wife. They had one daughter only, who was very dutiful to her parents. But while she was still very young, her mamma died, to the grief of her husband and daughter. After a time, the little girl's papa married another lady. Now this lady was proud and haughty, and had two grown-up daughters as disagreeable as herself; so the poor girl found everything at home changed for the worse.

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Featured March 2010