Portal:Ordinances of Hong Kong

Ordinances of Hong Kong

This is a list of ordinances as originally enacted by the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, sorted by their original citation and their year of enactment.

Ordinances without short titles when they were originally enacted are named using the short title assigned to them retroactively by another ordinance. Ordinances without a retroactive short title are named using the short form used in the earliest edition of The Ordinances of Hong Kong. A citation indicating the edition of The Ordinances of Hong Kong is included if a short form from the collection is used.


Citation Short title
No. 1 of 1844 Slavery Ordinance[1]
No. 2 of 1844 Printing Regulation Ordinance[1]
No. 3 of 1844 Registration of Deeds Wills &c. Ordinance[1]
No. 4 of 1844 Merchant Shipping Ordinance[1]
No. 5 of 1844 Good Order and Cleanliness Ordinance[1]
No. 6 of 1844 Civil Actions-Arbitration Ordinance[1]
No. 7 of 1844 Usury Laws Ordinance[1]
No. 8 of 1844 Distillation of Spirits Ordinance[1]
No. 9 of 1844 Restraint of Trade in China Ordinance[1]
No. 10 of 1844 Justices of Peace-Summary Jurisdiction Ordinance[1]
No. 11 of 1844 Licensing Public Houses, &c. Ordinance[1]
No. 12 of 1844 Police Force Regulation Ordinance[1]
No. 13 of 1844 Chinese Peace Officers Regulation Ordinance[1]
No. 14 of 1844 Public Gaming Ordinance[1]
No. 15 of 1844 Supreme Court Ordinance[1]
No. 16 of 1844 Registration of Inhabitants Ordinance[1]
No. 17 of 1844 Peace and Quiet Ordinance[1]
No. 18 of 1844 Registration and Census Ordinance[1]
No. 19 of 1844 Harbour Regulation Ordinance[1]
No. 20 of 1844 Martial Law Ordinance[1]
No. 21 of 1844 Salt, Opium Licensing &c. Ordinance[1]
No. 22 of 1844 Weights and Measures Ordinance[1]


Citation Short title
No. 2 of 1853 Aliens (Rights of Property) Ordinance, 1853
No. 3 of 1853 Ordinance No. 3 of 1853


Citation Short title
No. 1 of 1886
No. 2 of 1886 The Apportionment Ordinance, 1886
No. 3 of 1886 The Larceny and Embezzlement Amendment Ordinance, 1886
No. 4 of 1886 The Infants Custody Ordinance, 1886
No. 5 of 1886 The Sales of Reversions Ordinance, 1886
No. 6 of 1886 The Printers and Publishers Ordinance, 1886
No. 7 of 1886 The Usury Ordinance, 1886
No. 15 of 1886 The Peace Preservation Ordinance, 1886
No. 16 of 1886 The Stamp Ordinance, 1886
No. 17 of 1886 The Opium Ordinance, 1886
No. 19 of 1886 The Reformatory Schools Ordinance, 1886
No. 20 of 1886 The Harbour Regulations Ordinance, 1886


Citation Short title
No. 14 of 1893 Appropriation Ordinance 1893
No. 15 of 1893 Supplementary Appropriation Ordinance 1893


Citation Short title
No. 59 of 1991 Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance 1991


Citation Short title
No. 110 of 1997 Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Leach, A.J. (1890). The Ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Hongkong, Commencing with the Year 1844 1 (Concise ed.). Hongkong: Noronha & Co., Government Printers.