Primary Christmas Songs/Christmas Bells

2803576Primary Christmas Songs

Christmas Bells.

Mrs. R. A. Currier.
M. Villa.
\relative c' { << \new Voice = "a" { \time 2/4 \key a \major \autoBeamOff <e a>16 <e a> <e a> <e a> <e a>8 <e a> <e cis'> <cis e> << { r4 } \\ { \teeny <e cis'>8[<cis e>] } >> \normalsize <d fis>16 <d fis> << { \autoBeamOff e e } \\ { \autoBeamOff e e } >> <d fis>8 <d gis> << { <cis a'>4. r8 } \\ { s8 \teeny <cis a'>[<cis a'> <cis a'>] } >> \normalsize <e a>16 <e a> <e a> <e a> <e a>8 <e a> <e cis'> <cis e> << { r4 } \\ { \teeny <e cis'>8[<cis e>] } >> \normalsize <d fis>8. <fis d'>16 <e cis'>8 <d b'> <cis a'>2 \bar ".." } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"1. " Mer16 -- ry Christ -- mas bells8 are ring -- ing, \skip4 Ring16 -- ing, ring -- ing loud8 and clear;4. \skip8 Joy16 -- ful news they’re ev8 -- er bring -- ing \skip4 Of8. the16 Christ8 so dear.2 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"2. " He16 who came to earth8 a stran -- ger, \skip4 He16 of whom the an8 -- gels sang,4. \skip8 In16 a low -- ly Beth8 -- lehem man -- ger, \skip4 Yet8. was16 born8 a King.2 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"3. " King,16 Cre -- a -- tor, Christ8 the Sav -- ior, \skip4 If16 we on -- ly heed8 his voice,4. \skip8 If16 we seek his face8 and fa -- vor, \skip4 And8. make16 him8 our choice.2 } \new Lyrics \lyricmode { \set associatedVoice = #"a" \set stanza = #"4. " In16 the realms of end8 -- less glo -- ry, \skip4 In16 the bright, e -- ter8 -- nal day,4. \skip8 We16 shall tell the old,8 old sto -- ry, \skip4 Christ8. in16 Beth8 -- lehem lay.2 } \new Staff { \time 2/4 \key a \major \clef bass \autoBeamOff <a cis>16 <a cis> <a cis> <a cis> <a cis>8 <a cis> << { \autoBeamOff a a } \\ { \autoBeamOff a a } >> << { r4 } \\ { \teeny a8[a,] } >> \normalsize <d a'>16 <d a'> <cis a'> <cis a'> <d a'>8 << { e } \\ { e } >> << { <a, e'>4. r8 } \\ { s8 \teeny <a e'>[<a e'> <a e'>] } >> <a' cis>16 <a cis> <a cis> <a cis> <a cis>8 <a cis> << { \autoBeamOff a a } \\ { \autoBeamOff a a } >> << { r4 } \\ { \teeny a8[a,] } >> \normalsize <d a'>8. <d a'>16 <e a>8 <e gis> <a, a'>2 } >> }

Copyright, 1894, by Marguerite Cook.