Proclamation by Her Excellency Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Governor of the State of Louisiana, Dated January 30, 2006, Convening the Legislature of Louisiana in Extraordinary Session

Proclamations by Her Excellency Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Governor of the State of Louisiana, Dated January 30, 2006 and January 31, 2006 Convening the Legislature of Louisiana in Extraordinary Session
by Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
139595Proclamations by Her Excellency Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Governor of the State of Louisiana, Dated January 30, 2006 and January 31, 2006 Convening the Legislature of Louisiana in Extraordinary SessionKathleen Babineaux Blanco

State of Louisiana

Executive Department

Proclamation No. 12 KBB 2006

Convening of Legislature in Extraordinary Session

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Paragraph B of Section 2 of Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, I, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Governor of the State of Louisiana, HEREBY CALL AND CONVENE THE LEGISLATURE OF LOUISIANA INTO EXTRAORDINARY SESSION to convene at the State Capitol, in the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, during 12 calendar days, beginning at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on the 6th day of February, 2006, and ending no later than 6:00 o'clock p.m. on the 17th day of February, 2006. The power to legislate at such session shall be limited, under penalty of nullity, to the following specified enumerated objects:

Item No. 1: To legislate or propose an amendment to the Constitution of Louisiana with respect to the consolidation, division, reorganization, abolishment, and creation of levee districts, and with respect to planning, design, construction, and maintenance of hurricane protection levees.

Item No. 2: To legislate relative to the acquisition, rehabilitation and disposition of residential housing properties deemed abandoned, blighted or adjudicated to a political subdivision, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 3: To legislate relative to the Louisiana Recovery Authority established in October 2005 by Executive Order No. KBB 2005-63.

Item No. 4: To legislate relative to a housing and land trust for the purposes of economic stabilization and redevelopment of hurricane devastated areas of Louisiana.

Item No. 5: To legislate the public policy of the state regarding automatic denial of insurance coverage of immovable property for all or part of damages when a part of the loss is covered by the policy of insurance and to provide for the burden to prove that any portion of the loss is not covered by the policy.

Item No. 6: To legislate relative to the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness as an agency in the Office of the Governor reporting directly to the Governor and to provide for the authority and duties of the office.

Item No. 7: To legislate or propose an amendment to the Constitution of Louisiana for the office of tax assessor for Orleans Parish and the Board of Assessors for Orleans Parish, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 8: To legislate relative to the district court in Orleans Parish to create a single district court for Orleans Parish, to abolish the civil and criminal district courts, to provide for a single clerk of court and to abolish the office of the clerks of the Civil and Criminal District Courts, and to authorize the district court to adopt local rules controlling the assigning of civil or criminal matters to designated sections of the court, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 9: To legislate relative to the office of Recorder of Mortgages for the parish of Orleans to abolish the office and to merge the powers, duties, and functions of the office into a single office of clerk of court for the parish of Orleans, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 10: To legislate relative to the office of Register of Conveyances for the parish of Orleans to abolish the office and to merge the powers, duties, and functions of the office into a single office of clerk of court for the parish of Orleans, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 11: To legislate relative to the office of Custodian of Notarial Records for the parish of Orleans to abolish the office and to merge the powers, duties, and functions of the office into a single office of clerk of court for the parish of Orleans, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 12: To legislate relative to the office of sheriff of the parish of Orleans to create a single sheriff for the parish of Orleans, to abolish the office of the civil sheriff for the parish of Orleans and the office of the criminal sheriff for the parish of Orleans, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 13: To legislate relative to Chapter 8 of Title 13 of the Revised Statutes of 1950 to abolish the Municipal Court of New Orleans and to abolish the offices of the judges and officers of said court and to merge the powers, duties, and functions of the Municipal Court of New Orleans with the New Orleans City Courts, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 14: To legislate relative to the organization or reorganization of local governmental subdivisions, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 15: To legislate to reduce the number of district judges in any judicial district, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 16: To legislate with respect to Act 66 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005 relative to the authority of certain parishes to prorate certain ad valorem taxes.

Item No. 17: To legislate with respect to Act 37 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005 relative to settlement monies on claims arising under homeowners insurance policies.

Item No. 18: To repeal Act 24 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005 providing for a statewide election in April 2006.

Item No. 19: To authorize displaced voters who registered to vote by mail to vote for the first time by absentee by mail.

Item No. 20: To legislate relative to Chapter 7 of Title 18 of the Revised Statutes of 1950 to allow registered voters of a jurisdiction for which an emergency election plan has been proposed and approved to cast their ballots during the early voting period for the affected elections at registrar of voters offices in Louisiana parishes other than the parish in which such voters are registered to vote, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 21: To legislate relative to amending the statewide election date on which the provisions of Act 69 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005 providing for coastal protection and restoration funding will be submitted to the voters.

Item No. 22: To legislate relative to amending the statewide election date on which the provisions of Act 70 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005 providing for the special assessment level for ad valorem taxes will be submitted to the voters and to make a corresponding amendment to Section 2 of Act 30 of the same session.

Item No. 23: To legislate relative to the authority of the Military Department to utilize the design-build method for construction projects to address damage resulting from a gubernatorially declared disaster or emergency.

Item No. 24: To legislate relative to special capital outlay authorization to enable the Military Department to expend Military Department funds, federal funds, or both, for the planning, repair, rebuilding and reconstruction of Military Department infrastructure, and otherwise to provide with respect thereto.

Item No. 25: To amend R.S. 42:1123 to allow public employees to receive, from validly-formed, not-for-profit organizations, disaster aid and relief to offset economic losses incurred as a result of Hurricanes Katrina or Rita.

Item No. 26: To amend the covered taxable periods in Act 23 of the 1st Extraordinary Session of 2005.

Item No. 27: To legislate relative to the authority of the parish of Jefferson to utilize the design-build method for construction projects to expedite hurricane protection and flood control projects needed for the current year.

Item No. 28: To amend and reenact R.S. 47:305.1 to provide for the application of the sales and use tax exemption therein to barges, commercial fishing vessels, and drilling ships.

Item No. 29: To legislate for the rescheduling of the 2006 election of Cameron Parish school board members and to provide for the terms of office for board members.

Item No. 30: To amend and reenact R.S. 23:1552, relative to the billing of government and certain nonprofit employers by the Louisiana Department of Labor for unemployment insurance claims paid pursuant to Executive Orders KBB 2005-34, 2005-46 and 2005- 75, to delay such billing.

Item No. 31: To amend and reenact R.S. 13:992.1(D) to extend the deadline for letting public bids for construction of a new facility to house the Nineteenth Judicial District Court, the Family Court of East Baton Rouge Parish, the offices of the clerk of court for the Nineteenth Judicial District, and such other ancillary agencies deemed necessary.

Item No. 32: To amend Act 446 of the 2005 Regular Session to treat the one-time severance tax payment made by oil and gas severers as an overpayment to be credited in future periods.

Item No. 33: To authorize the state to incur debt or issue bonds to provide relief from the natural catastrophes caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita; to authorize procedures to implement and utilize the bond provisions of the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005; and to provide for the use and distribution of such proceeds.

Item No. 34: To legislate with respect to the limitation on or exclusion from net state tax supported debt with respect to debt incurred on bonds issued by the state to provide relief from the natural catastrophes caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Louisiana, at the Capitol, in the City of Baton Rouge, on this 30th day of January, 2006.

Governor of Louisiana
Secretary of State

State of Louisiana

Executive Department

Proclamation No. 13 KBB 2006

By virtue of the authority vested in me, I, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Governor of the State of Louisiana, HEREBY ADD ITEMS TO THE PROCLAMATION SIGNED ON JANUARY 30, 2006, AND TO CALL AND CONVENE THE LEGISLATURE OF LOUISIANA INTO EXTRAORDINARY SESSION to convene at the State Capitol, in the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, during 12 calendar days, beginning at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on the 6th day of February, 2006, and ending no later than 6:00 o'clock p.m. on the 17th day of February, 2006. The power to legislate at such session shall be limited, under penalty of nullity, to the following specified enumerated objects:

Item No. 35: To amend Subpart B of Part XXX of Chapter 1 of Title 22 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950 to legislate as to the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation; regarding the rehabilitation, liquidation or dissolution, change in the plan of operation, actions that would impair the protection of the rights of owners of bonds or other financial obligations of the corporation, the pledge and/or assignment of emergency assessments to pay bonds or other financial obligations, matters relating to severability; and provisions governing the bankruptcy of the corporation.

Item No. 36: To legislate with regard to the requirement of an insurer to provide information to the policyholder regarding the terms and conditions of a homeowners’ insurance policy.

Item No. 37: To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1730.24 to authorize the State Fire Marshal to adopt rules to provide temporary additional third-party provider options for implementation of the uniform construction code by municipalities and parishes subject to the emergency wind and flood mitigation requirements.

Item No. 38: To permit the suspension and resumption of participation in a Deferred Retirement Option Plan authorized by law as part of a state retirement system for persons who were employees of a city or parish public school system who were terminated or furloughed as a result of such a reduction-in-force necessitated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita provided that such person is reemployed full-time in a city, parish, or other public school system within one year of the date of the termination or furlough.

Item No. 39: To provide relative to coverage for persons retired from a city or parish public school system on or before January 31, 2006, who participated in the private contracts of insurance or self-funded program of group health insurance provided to their retirees by that system.

Item No. 40: To amend Act 465 of the 2005 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature relative to the distribution of revenue sharing allocations by the sheriffs in Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes.

Item No. 41: To legislate relative to construction of wireless internet networks for the establishment of basic and reliable communications among state and local law enforcement and emergency agencies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Louisiana, at the Capitol, in the City of Baton Rouge, on this 31st day of January, 2006. KATHLEEN BABINEAUX BLANCO
Governor of Louisiana
Secretary of State

Official Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana February 6, 2006