Proclamation by S. D. McEnery Governor of the State of Louisiana dated December 22, 1881 convening the Legislature of Louisiana in extraordinary session

Proclamation by S. D. McEnery Governor of the State of Louisiana dated December 22, 1881 convening the Legislature of Louisiana in extraordinary session
by S. D. McEnery
138744Proclamation by S. D. McEnery Governor of the State of Louisiana dated December 22, 1881 convening the Legislature of Louisiana in extraordinary sessionS. D. McEnery



State of Louisiana.

New Orleans, December 22, 1881.

In accordance with article 72 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana, authorizing the Governor to convene the General Assembly on extraordinary occasions, I, SAMUEL DOUGLAS McENERY, Governor of the State of Louisiana, have thought proper, in view of existing grave emergencies, to issue this my proclamation convening the General Assembly of this State in extra and special session, at the State-House in New Orleans, on MONDAY, the twenty-sixth day of December, 1881, for the purpose of legislating upon the following named subjects, to wit:

I.- To enact a law of laws to levy, collect and enforce payment of an annual license tax upon all persons, associations of persons and corporations, pursuing any trade, profession, vocation, calling or business, except those expressly exempt from such tax by articles 206 and 207 of the Constitution.

II.-To enact a law or laws to provide an annual revenue for the State of Louisiana, by levying annual taxes on all property not exempted by the Constitution from taxation, and to provide the methods of assessing and collecting the same, and enforcing the payment thereof; the aforesaid subjects of legislation being part of the unfinished business In extra session begun December 5, 1881, and ending December25, 1881, also,

III.-To enact a law to provide the means of converting the interest funds now In the custody of the Fiscal Agent of the State of Louisiana and uncalled for, into the bonds of the United States government or bonds of the State of Louisiana.

IV.—Also to enable the Senate to advise as to all appointments to office, in accordance with article 68 of the Constitution.

V.—To make appropriations to defray, the expenses of the extra session, held in pursuance of this proclamation. This second special session Is hereby limited to the period of ten day, the power of the General Assembly being limited by the Constitution to the objects above specially enumerated. Thus given under my hand and the seal ‘of. the State of Louisiana, this twenty-second day of December, A. D. 1881.
Governor of Louisiana.
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.



State of Louisiana,

New Orleans, December 24, 1881.

Having, by my proclamation, Issued December 22, specified sundry Important subjects or legislation at the extra session of the General Assembly beginning December 26, 1881, I have thought proper to Issue this, my proclamation supplemental thereto. specifying the following named additional subjects, to wit:

VI.—To enact a law to transfer a certain balance now In the State Treasury now at the credit of the levee and drainage fund, to the credit of. the general engineer fund, for levee purposes.

VII—To amend existing general laws of the Slate, touching the organization and powers of corporations for literary and scientific purposes and to adopt additional legislation on that subject,
By the Governor:
Secretary of State.

Official Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Louisiana December 26, 1881