Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 26 June 1815

Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 26 June (1815)
Joseph Fouché and Théophile Berlier

On the 26th, The French Provincial Government issued this proclamation by posting it to the walls in Paris. Thus Napoleon II, after a reign of three days, has been replaced by the "French people".


1821870Proclamation of the Provisional Government in Paris, 26 June1815Joseph Fouché and Théophile Berlier

Acts of the Government.

Extract of the Minutes of the Secretary of State's Office.

Paris, June 26, 1815.

The commission of government, upon the report of the minister of state, entrusted provisionally with the portfolio of the ministry of justice, decrees as follows: The decrees and judgements of the courts and tribunals, the acts of the notaries, shall provisionally be intituled, In the name of the French people. The minister of state, entrusted provisionally with the portfolio of the ministry of justice, is charged with the execution of this decree, which shall be inserted in the bulletin of the laws.

(Signed) Duke of Otranto, President.
Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza.
Count Grenier.

The minister of state, entrusted provisionally with the portfolio of the ministry of justice.

(Signed) Count Boulay. (A true copy.)

I The secretary annexed to the minister secretary of state.

(Signed) T. Berlier