Public Law 111-82
An Act to authorize major medical facility leases for the VA for fiscal year 2010
by the 111th Congress of the United States

Note: This is the original legislation as it was initially enacted. Any subsequent amendments hosted on Wikisource may be listed using What Links Here.

552436An Act to authorize major medical facility leases for the VA for fiscal year 2010 — 2009the 111th Congress of the United States

An Act
To authorize major medical facility leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 2010, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Authorization of Fiscal Year 2010 Major Medical Facility Leases.

(a) In General.—
The Secretary of Veterans Affairs may carry out the following fiscal year 2010 major medical facility leases at the locations specified, in an amount not to exceed the amount shown for that location:
(1) Anderson, South Carolina, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,774,000.
(2) Atlanta, Georgia, Specialty Care Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $5,172,000.
(3) Bakersfield, California, Community Based Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $3,464,000.
(4) Birmingham, Alabama, Annex Clinic and Parking Garage, in an amount not to exceed $6,279,000.
(5) Butler, Pennsylvania, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $16,482,000.
(6) Charlotte, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $30,457,000.
(7) Fayetteville, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $23,487,000.
(8) Huntsville, Alabama, Outpatient Clinic Expansion, in an amount not to exceed $4,374,000.
(9) Kansas City, Kansas, Community Based Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,418,000.
(10) Loma Linda, California, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $31,154,000.
(11) McAllen, Texas, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,444,000.
(12) Monterey, California, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $11,628,000.
(13) Montgomery, Alabama, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $9,943,000.
(14) Tallahassee, Florida, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $13,165,000.
(15) Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $26,986,000.
(b) Authorization of Appropriations.—
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 2010 or the year in which funds are appropriated for the Medical Facilities account $196,227,000 for the leases authorized in subsection (a).

Approved October 26, 2009.

Legislative History

  • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 155 (2009):
    • Sept. 25, considered and passed Senate.
    • Oct. 7, considered and passed House.


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