Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3833/The Berlin Christmas Season

Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3833 (December 23rd, 1914)
The Berlin Christmas Season
4263143Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3833 (December 23rd, 1914) — The Berlin Christmas Season

Yule Logs.

Made from the finest Belgian church carved oak. A Prussian General writes: "This wood burns admirably. I speak from personal observation of experiments carried out under my orders."

An admirably suitable present for this year is a

War Map.

Those we offer are calculated to be particularly popular, the little Imperial flags not being detachable but painted on to the map—at Paris, London, Petersburg, etc. Thus, whatever may be happening in the field, you may continue cheerful.

American Mirrors.

As many of our most exalted customers complain of the quality of these goods, considering them too crude and glaring in their effect, we have prepared, with the help of our Ambassador at Washington, a special glass which provides a less realistic reflection. Sold in various shapes—the Kaiser mirror, the Dernburg reflector, etc. Try one.

A Beautiful Souvenir.
Calais-Beach Pebble Brooches.

(We regret to announce that at the last moment our buyer writes that he is unable to procure the last-named article.)