Recipes Tried and True/Cakes and Cookies

Here's to the press, the pulpit and the petticoat, the three ruling powers of the day. The first spreads knowledge; the second spreads morals, and the third spreads considerably.



  • 5 eggs,
  • ⅓ teaspoon cream of tartar,
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar,
  • Pinch of salt,
  • Flavoring,
  • 1 cup flour.

Beat yolk stiff, add cream of tartar to the stiff beaten whites. Mix sugar with whites. Beat in yolks, add salt and flavoring. Sift in flour and fold lightly together. Bake in moderate oven thirty minutes. Ice if desired.


Beat yolks of four eggs with one-half pound of powdered sugar for one hour. Add one-half pound of ground almonds and then stiff-beaten whites. Bake in well greased pan about thirty minutes.


  • 6 eggs,
  • ¼ cup pulverised sugar,
  • 1½ cups grounded almonds,
  • ½ teaspoon powder,
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon, grounded cloves or allspice,
  • 5 tablespoons crackers or, bread crumbs.

Beat yolks twenty minutes with sugar; add almonds (not blanched) spices, crumbs and powder. Beat whites well and add. Bake slowly in spring form forty minutes. Use chocolate frosting or whipped cream.


Beat whites of nine eggs very stiff, add pinch of salt, half teaspoon cream of tartar, ¼ cups of sugar, one cup flour sifted five times. Flavor with vanilla and bake in very slow oven about forty-five minutes. Best results when baked in patented pan that can be inverted.


Cream one tablespoonful butter with one-half cup of sugar; add one egg, two shells of milk or water, two teaspoons baking powder and enough flour to make a batter to smooth out in a buttered pan. Cup up apples, peaches or pit plums, and sugar. Bake about one-half hour, till brown.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1½ cup raisins,
  • 1¾ cups flour,
  • ½ teaspoon each of cloves, allspice, cinnamon,
  • ½ cup nut meats,
  • 1 teaspoon soda,
  • 1 cup unsweetened apple sauce.

Cream butter with sugar, add raisins, flour, spices, nuts and apple sauce. Dissolve soda in hot water and add. Bake forty-five minutes in moderate oven.


  • ¼ lb. butter,
  • ¼ lb. sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • ¼ lb. flour,
  • Handful grated almonds,
  • 1 teaspoon whiskey or rum.

Cream butter with sugar. Mix with yolks of eggs, flour, almonds and rum. Put on paper and place on ice. (Better made the day previous.) Filling—Peel and slice eight apples and cook not too soft with three tablespoons sugar, a handful of raisins and a little citron. Spread half of the dough on bottom of spring form and bake till half done; cover with apples and use remainder of dough for stripes. Beat the two whites stiff, drop between squares, replace in oven and bake till brown.


  • 8 eggs,
  • 1 small glass any sweet cordial,
  • l½ cups sugar,
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon,
  • ¼ lb. ground sweet almonds,
  • ¼ teaspoon cloves,
  • 1 tablespoon grated chocolate,
  • 6 bitter almonds,
  • ¾ cup crumbs,
  • 1 brandy glass rum,
  • 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder.

Beat yolks with sugar; add spices, chocolate, rum and cordial, almonds, crumbs, baking powder and last the beaten whites. Bake in moderate oven ¾ of an hour.


  • 2 hard boiled eggs,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • ¾ lb. butter,
  • ½ cup sugar,
  • Rind and juice of ½ lemon,
  • 5 cups sifted flour,
  • Whites of eggs,
  • ¼ cup milk,
  • Fine chopped nuts.

Mix butter with sugar, add flour with baking powder. Cream yolks of eggs; add rind and juice of lemon. Add to first mixture and take milk to form batter to roll out three-eighths of an inch. Cut in shapes with small glass. Then half each shape with edge of glass. Spread each with white of egg and sprinkle with nuts. Bake ten to fifteen minutes.


Prepare same batter as for cream puffs. Put on buttered sheets in pieces about four inches long and 1½ inches wide. Bake thirty minutes. Frost with either vanilla or chocolate icing. When dry open on one side and fill either with custard or whipped cream.


  • 2 lbs. pot cheese,
  • 10 eggs,
  • 2 heaping tablespoons, butter,
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla,
  • 2 tablespoons sifted flour,
  • 2 cups sugar,
  • 2 cups rich cream.

Stir butter to a cream; add sugar; add yolks of eight eggs one at a time, and two whole eggs. After beating fifteen minutes, add cheese, vanilla, flour, cream and strain through a fine sieve. Then add beaten whites. Line a large spring form with rich pie crust and' put in above mixture. Bake very slowly in moderate oven at least one hour.


  • 2 oz. butter,
  • 1 oz. ground almonds,
  • 2 oz. sugar,
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla,
  • 1 egg,
  • Chopped almonds,
  • 1 heaping tablespoon cake crumbs,
  • Jelly.

Grease six gems pans and line with crust pastry. Cream butter with sugar; add egg, stir in crumbs, almonds, and vanilla. Half fill each pastry case with mixture, sprinkle over almonds and bake in moderate oven twenty minutes. When cool, put teaspoon jelly on top.


One large cocoanut grated or shredded; then dry in stove (do not allow to brown); whites of five eggs, and one pound of sugar, beaten together in a bowl on the stove until eggs and sugar get warm; take off the stove and beat until it gets cold; then add cocoanut and one teaspoonful of vanilla. Bake in a moderately hot oven on ungreased paper.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 2 cups sugar,
  • 1 cup lukewarm milk,
  • 2½-3 cups flour,
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder,
  • Juice and rind of 1 lemon,
  • 4 eggs,
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla.

Cream butter with sugar; add yolks one at a time; then add milk and flour alternately, adding powder to last half cup. Beat whites, add lemon and vanilla. Bake in large cake, loaf, layers, coffee cake form or gems with raisins if desired.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 cup currants mixed with 2 tablespoons flour,
  • 1¾ cups flour,
  • 2½ teaspoons baking powder,
  • ½ cup milk,
  • 2 eggs.

Cream butter and add sugar and eggs well beaten. Add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together, alternately with milk. Sprinkle in currants. Bake about forty-five minutes in deep pan.


  • 2 cups apple sauce,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 can sweet condensed milk,
  • Rind and juice of 1 lemon.

Beat yolks, add other ingredients; beat whites stiff, and add. Butter spring form, cover bottom with bread crumbs, pour in batter ; bake slowly about one hour.


  • 1¼ lbs. pot cheese,
  • l½ cups sugar,
  • 2½ tablespoons butter,
  • 8 eggs,
  • 2 tablespoons flour,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • ½ pint cream,
  • Juice and rind of 1 lemon,
  • ½ cup bread crumbs.

Mix cheese with sugar and butter creamed; add yolks of eggs, flour, salt, cream and lemon. Beat whites stiff and add. Grease spring form, sprinkle bread crumbs, add mixture and bake slowly in moderate oven about one hour.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1½ cups sugar,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 2 oz. unsweetened, chocolate,
  • 5 tablespoons hot water,
  • ½ cup milk,
  • l¾ cups flour,
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder.

Cream butter with sugar and add well-beaten yolks; dissolve chocolate in water and add to mixture; add milk and flour with powder; beat whites stiff, add and bake in slow oven thirty-five to forty minutes. Whipped cream, jelly or chocolate may be put between layers and icing on top.


  • 16 dates,
  • 1 tablespoon wine, brandy or lemon juice,
  • 9 yolks egg,
  • 1¾ cups sugar,
  • 3 tablespoons grated chocolate,
  • 1 teaspoon each of gr. cinnamon and allspice,
  • 1 heaping cup full cracker crumbs.

Rub dates to smooth paste with wine, brandy or lemon juice, beat two whole eggs and seven yolks, add sugar, beat again, add dates, chocolate, spices and cracker crumbs. Stir well add well beaten white of eggs. Bake forty minutes in good size spring form. Prunes may be used instead of dates.


  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup of milk,
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder,
  • 1 heaping cup of flour,
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract,
  • ½ cup butter,
  • ⅛ lb. unsweetened chocolate.

Cream sugar with egg, add milk, flour, baking powder and vanilla. Melt butter with chocolate and add. Bake slowly in layers. When cool fill in between layers with jelly. Whipped cream on top.


  • 6 eggs,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla,
  • ¾ cup flour,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Beat yoke of eggs with sugar—add flour, baking powder, vanilla and beaten whites. This quantity makes five thin layers.


  • 3 squares of sweet vanilla chocolate,
  • 3 eggs,
  • ½ lb. sweet butter,
  • 1½ cups sugar.

Grate chocolate, add eggs and beat. Add sugar and vanilla, beat again and cook in double boiler until thick. When well cooled, add creamed butter. Mix well, spread between layers and on top.


  • 1½ cups butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 6 eggs,
  • 1 pint flour,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • Any flavoring to taste.

Cream butter with sugar, add eggs, two at a time, beating ten minutes each time, add flour sifted with baking powder and flavoring. Bake in shallow pan for thirty minutes, using any desired icing.


  • 2 cups sugar,
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons cinnamon,
  • 3 cups flour,
  • 2 tablespoons shortening,
  • ½ teaspoon salt,
  • 1 box seeded raisins,
  • 1 heaping teaspoon baking soda.

Boil all ingredients except flour and baking soda. When cool add flour and baking soda and beat well. Line well greased pan with paper. Bake one hour in moderate oven.


  • 6 eggs,
  • 1½ cups powdered sugar,
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts,
  • ½ cup chopped almonds,
  • 1 cup fine sifted farina,
  • 1 teaspoon (heaping) baking powder.

Beat yolks with sugar, add nuts, farina and baking powder. Fold in the stiff beaten whites, bake in two layers in slow oven. Bake one day before using. Before serving pour one-half pint cream over layers and beat ½ pint of cream very thick to put between layers and on top.


  • 1 cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 3 eggs,
  • ½ cup chopped nuts,
  • 1 cup thick sour milk,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • Handful currants and raisins,
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa,
  • 2½ cups flour.

Cream butter with sugar, add eggs, milk, baking soda dissolved in water, currants and raisins, chapped nuts and cocoa mixed with a little water and add flour. Do not beat too hard. Bake in slow oven for two hours.


  • 1 cup brown sugar,
  • 1 cup butter,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 cup molasses,
  • 1 cup cold coffee,
  • 1 teaspoon salaratus,
  • 2 teaspoons each of mace, cinnamon and cloves,
  • Pinch of salt,
  • 1 lb. each raisins and currants,
  • 1 lb. citron cut fine,
  • Rind (grated) of one lemon,
  • 2 cups of flour.

Use ingredients according to rotation. Bake two hours in moderate oven. Grease and line pan with parafine paper.


  • 1 lb. butter,
  • 2 lbs. flour,
  • 7 eggs,
  • 1 lb. sugar,
  • 1 teaspoonful baking powder.

Crumble butter with flour; beat yolks with sugar, add, then add baking powder and beaten whites of four eggs. Roll ¼ inch thick, cut, sprinkle with sugar, bake a light brown.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • Yolks of nine eggs,
  • ½ cup milk,
  • 1¾ cups flour,
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract,
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder.

Cream butter and sugar, add well-beaten yolks, milk, flour and baking powder sifted five times and lemon extract. Bake thirty minutes in moderate oven.


  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 1 cup of flour,
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder,
  • 2 tablespoons warm water.

Beat yolks with sugar, add sifted flour and baking powder and water. Bake in large layer cake tin about twenty minutes. Spread with jelly while hot and roll. Cover with sugar or icing.


  • 1 cup cornmeal,
  • 1 cup flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup milk,
  • Lump butter size of egg,
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder.

Mix well and bake thirty minutes.


Well beaten whites of four eggs.

Beat in very gradually 1½ cups of powdered sugar until mixture will hold its shape. Drop from tip of spoon in paper-covered tins and bake a very light brown. Place ½ inch apart.


  • 3 eggs,
  • 1½ teaspoons baking powder,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1½ cups flour,
  • ½ cup water,
  • Vanilla flavoring.

Cream eggs and sugar, add flour, baking powder, water and flavoring. Bake in two layers about twenty minutes.


  • ¼ lb. butter,
  • ¼ lb, sugar,
  • 1 egg,
  • 2 teaspoonsful baking powder,
  • 2 tablespoons whiskey, or brandy,
  • ½ lb. flour,
  • ¼ lb. ground almonds,
  • 1 teaspoon full cinnamon,
  • 1¼ teaspoon cloves,
  • 1 ounce each citron and orange peal ground or chopped.

Cream butter and sugar, add other ingredients in order given. Put on ice over night. Roll out thick, retain sufficient for top strips; fill with strawberry or prune preserves.


Beat whites of one egg; add one-fourth cup sugar, two tablespoonfuls nut meats; spread on eighteen wafer crackers and place in pans in moderate oven for a few minutes till slightly brown.


  • 1 tablespoon butter,
  • ¾ cup sugar,
  • 1 cup molasses,
  • ½ teaspoon allspice,
  • ¼ lb. black coffee,
  • ¾ cup flour,
  • 1 teaspoon soda,
  • 1 teaspoon each cocoa, cinnamon and ginger,
  • 1 cup milk.

Cream butter and sugar, add remaining ingredients, bake in moderate oven about ¾ hour.


One egg, two teaspoonfuls cream or milk; butter the size of a walnut; flour to make dough very stiff. Roll thin and cut the size of a saucer. Fry in hot grease. Sprinkle with sugar.


  • ½ lb. butter,
  • 2 small cups sugar,
  • 6 eggs,
  • 1 cup ground or chopped nuts,
  • 1 cup of warm milk,
  • 4 cups sifted flour,
  • 2½ teaspoons baking powder,
  • Juice of 1 orange,
  • Rind of one lemon (grated).

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time, add balance of ingredients in order given. Bake ¾ hours. This can be sliced and filled and covered with whipped cream.


  • 8 eggs,
  • 1 teaspoonful baking powder,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • ½ cup bread crumbs,
  • 3 cups ground hazel, walnuts, or almonds.

Cream yolks, eggs and sugar, add crumbs, baking powder and nuts, fold in stiff beaten whites. Bake in buttered spring form ½ hour. When cool slice and fill with whipped cream and on top and decorate.


  • ⅔ cup sugar,
  • ⅔ cup butter,
  • 1 cup rolled oats,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • Pinch of salt,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup of flour.

Cream sugar and butter and add ingredients. Drop on buttered tins about two inches apart, bake quickly in hot oven.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup milk,
  • 2 cups flour,
  • 3 teaspoons flour,
  • 1 cup chopped nuts and raisins.

Cream butter and sugar, add other ingredients, bake about thirty minutes.


  • 1 lb. butter,
  • 1 lb. powdered sugar,
  • Grated rind of 1 lemon,
  • 1 wine glass brandy,
  • 9 eggs,
  • 1¼ lbs. flour.

Cream butter and sugar, add lemon rind, brandy, yolks of eggs one at a time, then add flour and fold in beaten whites. Bake about one hour in slow oven.


  • ⅓ cup powdered sugar,
  • 1⅓ cups brown sugar,
  • 2 eggs,
  • ½ cup milk,
  • ½ lb. dates (chopped)
  • 1¾ cups flour,
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder,
  • ½ teaspoon each cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Mix all at once, beat four minutes, bake thirty-five to forty minutes.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 2 cups flour,
  • ½ cup water,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • Whites of 5 eggs,
  • A pinch of mace.

Cream butter and sugar, then add other ingredients and last the well-beaten whites of eggs. Bake in long pan. When cold cut in small squares and ice.


  • 2 cakes Fleischmann's Yeast,
  • 1 cup milk,
  • 1 tablespoon sugar,
  • Pinch of salt,
  • 1½ cups of flour.

Scald and cool milk, dissolve yeast in same, add sugar, flour and salt and set in warm place to rise for an hour.

  • 6½ cups flour,
  • 1 qt. milk scalded and cooled,
  • ½ lb. butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 2 eggs.

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, beat well, then add, warmed sifted flour; add milk gradually, then fold in sponge and beat well. More flour can be added if necessary so it can be kneaded. Then place in greased bowl and allow to rise two hours. Then roll, thin, cut in strips, sprinkle with flakes of butter, sugar, cinnamon and butter; roll up; place in pans end-wise and let rise again for two hours. Then bake.


  • 1 cup shortening,
  • 1 cupful brown sugar,
  • 1 cupful Porto Rico molasses,
  • 1 cupful sour milk,
  • 2 teaspoonsful soda,
  • 1 teaspoonful salt,
  • 1 teasponful ginger,
  • 1 teaspoonful cinnamon,
  • 1 tablespoonful vinegar,
  • About 5 cupsful pastry flour.

Cream the shortening and blend with it the brown sugar; add the molasses and sour milk. Sift together three cupfuls of flour with the soda, salt, and spices. Add to the first mixture together with the vinegar. Add the rest of the flour, taking care to keep the dough a soft one. Chill overnight in the refrigerator or other cool place and roll out in the morning—not too thin. Cut in desired shapes and bake on greased baking sheets about fifteen minutes.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda,
  • ½ grated nutmeg,
  • ½ teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon,
  • 1 cup seeded raisins,
  • ½ cup sour milk,
  • 2 cups flour.

Cream butter and yolks; add other ingredients. Bake ¾ of an hour.


  • 1 egg,
  • ½ cup melted butter,
  • ½ cup each sugar, milk, molasses,
  • 2 small cups flour,
  • 1 teaspoon powder,
  • ½ teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, allspice.

Mix all ingredients and bake ¾ of an hour. Ice if desired.


  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 cup powdered sugar,
  • 1 cup flour,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Beat yolks well with sugar, sifted five times. Add flour, baking powder sifted five times. Fold in well beaten whites. Flavor and bake in slow oven forty minutes.


  • 1 cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 6 eggs,
  • 1 cup flour,
  • ¼ lb. cornstarch,
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder,
  • ½ lemon, rind and juice,
  • 1½ tablespoons rum or brandy.

Mash butter, cream with sugar; add beaten yolks; mix flour, cornstarch and baking powder together and add to mixture with lemon and brandy. Bake thirty minutes.


Take eight lady fingers, one quart strawberries, one-half pint cream, two cups of sugar; mash one cup of berries, split the lady fingers, moisted with the juice of the crushed berries and use to line a serving-dish. Place in the bottom of the dish a layer of berries, season with fine sugar. Whip cream to a froth, add a layer of it, then another of the fruit and sugar, and so on until all the fruit and cream are used. Place on ice and serve very cold.

(Old Fashioned)

Make biscuit dough (see Biscuits). Bake in large pan; when finished, cut in two layers with sharp knife, spread liberally (both layers) with butter. Have two boxes of berries mashed with sugar (four hours before using), spread berries on each layer, put together and reserve remaining sauce to pour over when serving. Serve hot. Use cream to pour over, also, if desired.


Make a large cake of either sponge or cup cake batter. When cool, cut off top, take out inside of cake; crumb it, mix with ¼ or ½ pint cream and any kind of fruit with juice. Replace top, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Grated pineapple and crushed strawberries are best. Bake day before using.


  • 1 cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 2 cups flour,
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder,
  • Juice and rind of ½ lemon.

Cream butter and sugar; add eggs one at a time, flour, baking powder and lemon. Bake in buttered tins about ½ hour till brown. Before putting in oven, crumb with fingers two tablespoons each butter, sugar and flour. Sprinkle over cake and if desired, add chopped almonds.


  • 6 eggs,
  • ½ teaspoon cream of tartar,
  • Pinch of salt,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • ¾ cup flour.

Beat stiff with salt white of eggs. Add cream of tartar. Sift sugar, add well-beaten yolks and flour sifted five times. Flavor and bake one hour in slow oven.


  • ½ cup butter,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 egg,
  • ½ cup milk,
  • 4 to 5 cups flour,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Cream butter and sugar; add egg, milk and add enough flour (with baking powder) till dough is stiff enough to roll thin, about ¼ inch thick. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake ten minutes in hot oven.


  • 6 eggs
  • ¾ cup sugar,
  • 1 lb. rolled walnuts.

Beat yolks and sugar; add walnuts. Fold in stiff beaten whites. Flavor with vanilla and bake in layers in quick oven. Fill and cover with whipped cream.


  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 dozen chopped uneedas
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts.

Beat yolks and sugar; add uneedas, powder, nuts and stiff-beaten whites. Bake thirty minutes.


  • 1 egg,
  • 1 cup molasses,
  • 1 cup sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, and ground cloves,
  • 2 cups sour milk,
  • 3½ cups flour,
  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda,
  • ½ cup each raisins and currants,
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter.

Beat egg and add all ingredients. Bake about ¾ of an hour.