Reg 2: The Development Fund for Iraq

Reg 2: The Development Fund for Iraq (2003)
by L. Paul Bremer

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229152Reg 2: The Development Fund for Iraq2003L. Paul Bremer



Pursuant to my authority as Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA),
and consistent with relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions, including Resolution
1483 (2003), and the laws and usages of war,

Noting the letter of May 8, 2003 from Permanent Representatives of the United States of
America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the President
of the United Nations Security Council (S/2003/538),

Recognizing that ninety-five percent of the proceeds of all export sales of petroleum,
petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq, as well as funds from other sources, shall
be deposited into the Development Fund for Iraq until an internationally recognized,
representative government of Iraq is properly constituted, and that five percent of the
proceeds referred to in paragraph 20 of Resolution 1483 shall be deposited into the
Compensation Fund established in accordance with Resolution 687 (1991),

Reaffirming that a major CPA objective is to ensure that the newly established
Development Fund for Iraq and other Iraqi resources, including Iraqi petroleum and
petroleum products, are dedicated to the well-being of the Iraqi people,

Committed to ensuring, consistent with paragraph 14 of Resolution 1483, that the
Development Fund for Iraq shall be used in a transparent manner to meet the
humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people, for the economic reconstruction and repair of
Iraq's infrastructure, for the continued disarmament of Iraq, and for the costs of Iraqi
civilian administration, and for other purposes benefiting the people of Iraq,

I hereby promulgate the following:

Section 1

This Regulation applies to the administration, use, accounting and auditing of the
Development Fund for Iraq (the "Fund"). The Regulation is intended and shall be
applied to ensure that the Fund is managed in a transparent manner for and on behalf
of the Iraqi people, consistent with Resolution 1483, and that all disbursements from
the Fund are for purposes benefiting the people of Iraq.

CPA/REG/10 June 2003/02

Section 2

1) Administrator of the CPA (Administrator). Oversees and controls the
establishment, administration and use of the Fund for and on behalf of the Iraqi
people, and directs disbursements from the Fund for those purposes he determines
to be for the benefit of the people of Iraq.

2) Director, Economic Policy, CPA, or other CPA official designated by the
Administrator. Manages the Fund, in coordination with the Central Bank of Iraq,
the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York and, if the Administrator directs that
accounts be opened in the Bank for International Settlements (Switzerland) and/or
other financial institutions, in coordination with those institutions.

3) CPA Program Review Board (PRB). Reviews all competing requirements for the
relief and recovery of Iraq, assesses all available resources, and, in consultation
with the Iraqi interim administration, when established, develops for the approval
of the Administrator spending plans, consistent with a comprehensive budgetary
framework, that identify prioritized requirements for proposed disbursements from
the Fund; considers in this process information provided by the CPA International
Coordination Council, the International Advisory and Monitoring Board, and other
entities, as appropriate.

4) CPA International Coordination Council. Advises the PRB on matters relating to
international efforts to assist the people of Iraq in the relief, recovery and
development of their economy, including proposing specific projects for funding
consideration; supporting efforts to encourage the global donor community to
participate in this effort; providing the PRB with information regarding the nature
and scope of international assistance to Iraq; and, as requested, making
recommendations to the PRB with regard to disbursements from the Fund.

5) International Advisory and Monitoring Board of the Development Fund for Iraq
(the "IAMB"). Including duly qualified representatives of the Secretary-General of
the United Nations, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund,
the Director-General of the Arab Fund for Social and Economic Development, and
the President of the World Bank, and not to exceed three additional duly qualified
members appointed by the IAMB with the approval of the Administrator. The
IAMB shall approve independent public accountants responsible for auditing the
Fund, the Oil Proceeds Receipts Account referred to in section 2(9), and auditing
export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq. The
Administrator, in consultation with the IAMB, may appoint up to five non-voting
observers to the IAMB. Consistent with its terms of reference, the IAMB shall
perform functions similar to those of outside audit committees and may provide
information and comments to the PRB and the Administrator as appropriate to
serve the purposes of Resolution 1483 and this Regulation.

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6) Central Bank of Iraq. Holds the Fund on its books and administers the Fund as
directed by the Administrator or his delegee.

7) U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York (the "Federal Reserve Bank") (and/or the
Bank for International Settlements (Switzerland), and/or other financial
institutions, if the Administrator directs that accounts in such institutions be
opened). As agreed between such institution(s) and the Administrator, opens and
maintains on its books the "Central Bank of Iraq/Development Fund for Iraq"
account, as requested by the Administrator. Pursuant to Resolution 1483 and this
Regulation, it is understood that the Federal Reserve Bank will be requested to
open and maintain on its books an Oil Proceeds Receipts Account (the "Receipts
Account") for the initial receipt of proceeds of all export sales of petroleum,
petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq and for the immediate transfer of
ninety-five percent of such proceeds to the "Central Bank of Iraq/Development
Fund for Iraq" account and five percent of such proceeds to the appropriate United
Nations Compensation Fund account.

8) Independent public accountants (auditors). Nominated by the Administrator,
approved by the IAMB, and reporting to the IAMB and the Administrator, the
independent public accountants audit the Fund and audit all export sales of
petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq, supporting the
objectives of ensuring that the Fund is used in a transparent manner and that such
export sales are made consistent with prevailing international market best

Section 3
Establishment of the Fund

The Fund shall be held on the books of the Central Bank of Iraq, and the corpus of
the Fund shall be held in an account entitled "Central Bank of Iraq/Development
Fund for Iraq," in the Federal Reserve Bank (and/or other financial institution(s), if
the Administrator so directs), for the Central Bank of Iraq.

Section 4
Control of the Fund

The Fund shall be controlled by the Administrator of the CPA, for and on behalf of
the Iraqi people. The Central Bank of Iraq and the Federal Reserve Bank (and/or
other financial institution(s), if the Administrator so directs), shall accept
instructions, as agreed, concerning the Fund, including instructions to pay sums out
of the Fund, only from the Administrator or his authorized delegee(s).

CPA/REG/10 June 2003/02

Section 5
Administration of the Fund

1) General. The Central Bank of Iraq/Development Fund for Iraq account in the
Federal Reserve Bank shall be governed by the Federal Reserve Bank's standard
terms and conditions regarding accounts of foreign central banks and
governments, to the extent consistent with applicable law.

2) Communications Protocol. The Fund will be controlled by the Administrator
through a communications protocol to be agreed upon between the Administrator
and the Federal Reserve Bank (and/or other financial institution(s), if the
Administrator so directs). This protocol shall be documented in a funds transfer
security procedures agreement.

3) Deposits into the Fund. One billion United States dollars from unencumbered
funds in the accounts established pursuant to paragraphs 8(a) and 8(b) of United
Nations Security Council Resolution 986 (1995) have been transferred to the
Fund; and it is anticipated that certain restored and surplus funds, pursuant to
paragraphs 17 and 23 of Resolution 1483, will be transferred to the Fund. In
addition, ninety-five percent of the proceeds from all export sales of petroleum,
petroleum products, and natural gas from Iraq shall be deposited into the Fund,
pursuant to paragraph 20 of Resolution 1483, and five percent of such proceeds
shall be deposited in the Compensation Fund established pursuant to Resolution
687 (1991), pursuant to paragraph 21 of Resolution 1483. There shall also be
accepted for deposit into the Fund any gifts, contributions, donations or other
funds, revenues or proceeds.

4) Internal Accounting. The CPA shall obtain the services of an independent,
certified public accounting firm to support the objective of ensuring that the Fund
is administered and used in a transparent manner for the benefit of the people of
Iraq, and is operated consistent with Resolution 1483. The accountants performing
this function shall be separate from those public accountants (auditors) approved
by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board.

5) Privileges and Immunities. The Fund, including the accounts that comprise its
corpus, and the Receipts Account, shall enjoy the privileges and immunities as set
forth in paragraph 22 of Resolution 1483, as well as privileges and immunities to
which the Fund may be entitled under any other law, regulation, order, or

CPA/REG/10 June 2003/02

Section 6
Disbursements from the Fund

1) Authority to Approve. Only the Administrator or his delegee may approve
disbursements from the Fund.

2) Directions to Disburse. Sums shall be disbursed from the Fund, in accordance with
this Regulation, only upon the express direction of the Administrator, or upon the
express direction of individual(s) to whom the Administrator has delegated that

3) Purposes. Sums may be disbursed from the Fund to meet the humanitarian needs
of the Iraqi people and for the economic reconstruction and repair of Iraq's
infrastructure; for the continued disarmament of Iraq; for the costs of Iraq's
civilian administration; and for other purposes the Administrator determines to be
for the benefit of the people of Iraq.

4) Proposals for Disbursements. Disbursements from the Fund generally shall be
proposed through procedures prescribed in, or promulgated in implementation of
the CPA Order establishing the PRB. These procedures shall ensure that proposed
disbursements are set forth in a spending plan reflecting the cost, purpose and
priority of the requirement, and that, prior to approval by the Administrator, all
spending plans are developed in consultation with the Iraqi interim administration,
once established.

Section 7

The Fund and the export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas
from Iraq, shall be audited by independent public accountants nominated by the
Administrator and approved by the IAMB. The expenses incurred in obtaining the
services of the approved independent public accountants shall be charged against the
Fund. The CPA shall cooperate fully with the IAMB and the approved independent
public accountants in carrying out each party's respective responsibilities. In
particular, the CPA shall provide the IAMB and such accountants with access to the
Fund's financial records, with confidential materials protected in a manner agreed
between the parties.

Section 8
Dissolution of the Fund

Until the Fund is dissolved by the Administrator in a manner consistent with
Resolution 1483, the Central Bank of Iraq shall continue to hold on its books the
Fund. Also, as agreed between the Administrator and the Federal Reserve Bank

CPA/REG/10 June 2003/02

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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