Republic Act No. 6766 (1989)
Congress of the Philippines
Article XVI

Source: Official Gazette. Vol. 85, No. 48. Manila. National Printing Office. 1989. pp. 7633–7635.

4565005Republic Act No. 6766 — Article XVI1989Congress of the Philippines

Article XVI


Section 1. The Regional Government commits itself to social justice and shall, among other things, adopt measures to:

(a) Create economic opportunities for the less fortunate for them to become self-reliant;

(b) Ensure equal access to opportunity for elective public service, through mechanisms that make elections inexpensive;

(c) Uplift marginalized communities; and

(d) Democratize the ownership of the means of production and the benefits of development.

Sec. 2. The Regional Government shall promote shared responsibilities between workers and employers in the private and government sectors.

Sec. 3. The Regional Government shall give full protection to labor and promote equality of employment opportunities for all. Towards this end, it shall, among other things, provide for:

(a) Periodic adjustments and rational standardization of compensation rates to ensure a living wage for all workers;

(b) Adoption of profit sharing schemes that recognize the right of workers to a just share in the profits of business and the right of enterprise to reasonable returns on investment;

(c) Protection of workers against unhealthy and dangerous working conditions; and

(d) Legislations for the benefit and welfare of domestic workers.

Sec. 4. The Regional Government recognizes health as a basic human right and the attainment, maintenance and protection thereof shall be its responsibility and of the people. The Regional Government affirms that health is an instrument for and a product of socioeconomic development. For this purpose, it shall, among other things:

(a) Establish, maintain, and support an effective health care delivery system utilizing primary health care as a comprehensive and integrated approach;

(b) Ensure that the health care system is governed by the principles of service, social justice, and equity;

(c) Popularize health knowledge and skills to enable the people to take responsibility for their health;

(d) Give relevant training and appropriate standards to health workers and professionals;

(e) Establish and maintain an effective food and drug regulatory system which shall provide for the adoption of an essential drug list, encourage the use of generic medicines or drugs, and promote the use of herbal medicines and indigenous health resources;

(f) Conduct research and compile traditional healing methods and cultural health practices; and

(g) Evolve financing schemes to effectively lessen the costs of health care.

Sec. 5. The Regional Government shall promote the well-being of the physically disabled and mentally handicapped, the elderly, the homeless, widows and orphans, retirees and veterans, and assist victims of calamities.

Sec. 6. The Cordillera Assembly shall, within one (1) year from its organization, enact measures embodying reintegration programs responsive to the needs of rebel returnees and rejoinees.

Sec. 7. The Regional Government shall adopt insurance and social security measures responsive to the needs of the people to supplement existing privileges.

Sec. 8. The Regional Government, in cooperation with the private sector, shall promote housing programs where needed, which shall be financed under liberal credit terms and utilizing indigenous materials, architecture and technology. Housing cooperatives to administer the projects shall be encouraged.

Sec. 9. The Regional Government shall promote a harmonious balance between women's personal, family and work obligations and their participation in public life. Shared parenting and homemaking responsibilities between spouses shall be encouraged.

Sec. 10. The Regional Government shall establish and strengthen support systems and services for working women, which include maternal and child care services, day care centers, longer maternity leaves, paternity leaves for their spouses, and early retirement age.

Sec. 11. The Regional Government shall undertake education and information programs to increase women's awareness of their rights and responsibilities and to correct customs, practices and mental attitudes that stereotype and regard them as commodities.

Sec. 12. The Cordillera Assembly may create a Youth Commission, provide for its composition and organization, and define its powers and functions.

Sec. 13. For purposes of this Organic Act, the youths are those who have not reached their twenty-first (21st) birthday.

Sec. 14. The Regional Government shall promote and support duly established peoples' organizations and encourage the formation of organizations, especially those of the underprivileged.

Guidelines and accreditation standards to define the conditions required of peoples' organizations shall be set with out abridging their right to effective participation and representation.

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