Root–Takahira Agreement/Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador

Root–Takahira Agreement
Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador by Elihu Root
2698512Root–Takahira Agreement — Secretary of State to the Japanese AmbassadorElihu Root

The Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador

Department of State
Washington, November 30, 1908


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of to-day setting forth the result of the exchange of views between us in our recent interviews defining the understanding of the two Governments in regard to their policy in the region of the Pacific Ocean.

It is a pleasure to inform you that this expression of mutual understanding is welcome to the Government of the United States as appropriate to the happy relations of the two countries and as the occasion for a concise mutual affirmation of that accordant policy respecting the Far East which the two Governments have so frequently declared in the past.

I am happy to be able to confirm to Your Excellency, on behalf of the United States, the declaration of the two Governments embodied in the following words:

[For text of declaration, see numbered paragraphs in Japanese note, above.]

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.

Elihu Root

His Excellency

Baron Kogoro Takahira,

Japanese Ambassador.