Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012

Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012 (2012)
by New Zealand Parliament

Private Act 2012 No 1

4234564Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 20122012New Zealand Parliament

Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012

Private Act 2012 No 1
Date of assent 2 March 2012
Commencement see section 2

Preamble 2
1 Title 2
2 Commencement 2
3 Principal Act amended 2
4 Purpose 3
5 Interpretation 3
6 New section 5 substituted 3
5Object 3
7 New section 6 substituted 3
6Functions 3
8 No dividend or profit to members 4
9 Fellows 4
10 Companions 5
11 Honorary Members 5
12 Honorary Fellows 5
13 Revocation of membership or fellowship 5
14 Elected Councillors 5
15 New section 23 substituted 5
23Appointed Councillor 5
16 Co-opted Councillors 6
17 Code of professional standards and ethics 6
18 Academy Council 6
19 Membership of Academy Council 6
20 Bylaws of Academy Council 7
21 Membership and staff 7
22 New section 43 substituted 7
43Transitional provisions 7
23 Schedule amended 8


(1) The Royal Society of New Zealand is constituted under the Royal Society of New Zealand Act 1965, and continued by the Royal Society of New Zealand Act 1997, for the purpose of advancing and promoting science and technology in New Zealand:

(2) The Royal Society of New Zealand wishes to—

(a) incorporate the discipline of humanities into its object and functions; and

(b) rename the Academy Council the Academy Executive Committee; and

(c) amend the standard for the election of Companions of the Society; and

(d) amend the election process for Councillors of the Society:

(3) The objects of this Act cannot be achieved without legislation:

The Parliament of New Zealand therefore enacts as follows:


This Act is the Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012.


This Act comes into force on the day after the date on which it receives the Royal assent.

3Principal Act amended

This Act amends the Royal Society of New Zealand Act 1997.


The purpose of this Act is to—

(a) incorporate humanities into the object and functions of the Royal Society of New Zealand:

(b) rename the Academy Council:

(c) amend the standard for the election of Companions of the Society:

(d) amend the election process for Councillors of the Society.


(1) Section 2 is amended by repealing the definitions of Academy bylaws and Academy Council and substituting the following definitions:

Academy bylaws means the bylaws of the Academy Executive Committee made under section 39 and for the time being in force

Academy Executive Committee means the Academy Executive Committee constituted under section 37”.

(2) Section 2 is amended by adding the following definition in its appropriate alphabetical order:

humanities includes languages, and in particular, te reo, history, religion, philosophy, law, classics, linguistics, literature, cultural studies, Māori studies, media studies, art history, film, and drama”.

6New section 5 substituted

Section 5 is repealed and the following section substituted:


The object of the Society is the advancement and promotion in New Zealand of science, technology, and the humanities.”

7New section 6 substituted

Section 6 is repealed and the following section substituted:


For the purpose of the advancement and promotion in New Zealand of science, technology, and the humanities, the functions of the Society are—

“(a) to foster in the New Zealand community a culture that supports science, technology, and the humanities, including (without limitation)—

“(i) the promotion of public awareness, knowledge, and understanding of science, technology, and the humanities; and

“(ii) the advancement of science and technology education:

“(b) to encourage, promote, and recognise excellence in science, technology, and the humanities:

“(c) to provide infrastructure and other support for the professional needs and development of scientists, technologists, and humanities scholars:

“(d) to establish and administer for members a code of professional standards and ethics in science, technology, and the humanities:

“(e) to provide expert advice on important public issues to the Government and the community:

“(f) to do all other lawful things that the Council considers conducive to the advancement and promotion in New Zealand of science, technology, and the humanities.”

8No dividend or profit to members

(1) Section 8(2)(d)(i) is amended by omitting “scientific or technological research” and substituting “research in science, technology, or the humanities”.

(2) Section 8(2)(d)(ii) is amended by omitting “science and technology” and substituting “science, technology, and the humanities”.


(1) Section 10 is amended by omitting “Academy Council” in each place where it appears and substituting in each case “Academy Executive Committee”.

(2) Section 10(1) is amended by omitting “science or technology” and substituting “science, technology, or the humanities”.


Section 12(1) is repealed and the following subsection substituted:

“(1) The Council may from time to time elect, as a Companion, any person who, in the opinion of the Council has—

“(a) shown outstanding leadership in science, technology, or the humanities; or

“(b) made eminent or sustained contributions to the promotion and advancement in New Zealand of science, technology, or the humanities.”

11Honorary Members

Section 16(1) is amended by omitting “science or technology” and substituting “science, technology, or the humanities”.

12Honorary Fellows

(1) Section 17 is amended by omitting “Academy Council” in each place where it appears and substituting in each case “Academy Executive Committee”.

(2) Section 17(1)(b) is amended by omitting “science or technology” and substituting “science, technology, or the humanities”.

13Revocation of membership or fellowship

Section 18(2) is amended by omitting “Academy Council” and substituting “Academy Executive Committee”.

14Elected Councillors

Section 22 is amended by repealing subsections (4) and (5) and substituting the following subsection:

“(4) No person may hold office as an elected Councillor for more than 6 consecutive years.”

15New section 23 substituted

Section 23 is repealed and the following section substituted:

23Appointed Councillor

“(1) The Regional Constituent Organisations are, between them, entitled to appoint 1 Councillor.

“(2) In determining who should be appointed under subsection (1), each Regional Constituent Organisation has 1 vote and the matter is determined by a majority of votes cast by postal ballot or, at the option of the Council, by ballot conducted by electronic means.

“(3) If there is an equality of votes between candidates under subsection (2) and the addition of 1 vote would entitle any of those candidates to be elected, the Chief Executive Officer of the Society appointed under clause 1 of the Schedule must determine by lot which candidate is to be appointed.

“(4) The appointed representative of the Regional Constituent Organisations is appointed for a term of 3 years.”

16Co-opted Councillors

Section 24(2)(d) is amended by omitting “science and technology” and substituting “science, technology, and the humanities”.

17Code of professional standards and ethics

Section 34(1) is amended by omitting “science and technology” and substituting “science, technology, and the humanities”.

18Academy Council

(1) The heading above section 37 is amended by omitting “Council” and substituting “Executive Committee”.

(2) The heading to section 37 is amended by omitting “Council” and substituting “Executive Committee”.

(3) Section 37 is amended by omitting “Academy Council” in each place where it appears and substituting in each case “Academy Executive Committee”.

(4) Section 37(3)(a) is amended by omitting “science and technology” and substituting “in each of the areas of science, technology, and the humanities”.

19Membership of Academy Council

(1) The heading to section 38 is amended by omitting “Council” and substituting “Executive Committee”.

(2) Section 38 is amended by omitting “Academy Council” in each place where it appears and substituting in each case “Academy Executive Committee”.

20Bylaws of Academy Council

(1) The heading to section 39 is amended by omitting “Council” and substituting “Executive Committee”.

(2) Section 39 is amended by omitting “Academy Council” in each place where it appears and substituting in each case “Academy Executive Committee”.

(3) Section 39(2)(c) is amended by omitting “science or technology” and substituting “science, technology, or the humanities”.

21Membership and staff

Section 42(2) is repealed.

22New section 43 substituted

Section 43 is repealed and the following section substituted:

“43Transitional provisions

“(1) Every person who, immediately before the commencement of the Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012, is an elected Councillor under section 22 may hold office as an elected Councillor for a maximum of 6 consecutive years, starting from the most recent date that the person assumed office before the commencement of that Act.

“(2) Every person who, immediately before the commencement of the Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012, is an appointed Councillor under section 23 is deemed to have been appointed for a term of 3 years.

“(3) The code of professional standards and ethics issued under section 34 that is in force immediately before the commencement of the Royal Society of New Zealand Amendment Act 2012 continues in force and applies to members of the Society as if references to science and technology were a reference to science, technology, and the humanities.”

23Schedule amended

Clause 7 of the Schedule is amended by omitting “Academy Council” and substituting “Academy Executive Committee”.

Legislative history
14 September 2010 Introduction (Bill 210–1)
22 September 2010 First reading and referral to Education and Science Committee
11 March 2011 Reported from Education and Science Committee (Bill 210–2)
23 March 2011 Second reading
4, 18 May, 15 June, 6 July, 3 August, 7, 28 September 2011 Committee of the whole House
29 February 2012 Reported from committee of the whole House and third reading
2 March 2012 Royal assent

Wellington, New Zealand:
Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2012