
No. L, 1906.

With reference to Order No. XIII 1906, it is hereby notified that persons leaving Sarawak for any place to which the export of Straits dollars is prohibited may, on application to the Treasury, have Straits dollars changed for their equivalent value in Straits Settlements' notes, or otherwise as may be arranged.

Acting Treasurer.

The Treasury,
24th October, 1906.


No. LI, 1906.

In the goods of Lim Ho Khuan,
chop Hap Kiat.

In the goods of Lim Pion and
Koh Oh, chop Chin Hock
Ann. Traders at Sbangan.

All creditors and other persons having any claims whatsoever against the Estates of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned within three (3) months from date, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all monies owing to the above Estates shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident 2nd Class.

30th October, 1906.


No. LII, 1906.

re Lai Jew Hin, chop Hin Hap,
(Absconded). Trader in Shak
Lung Mun Bazaar.

re Tseyo Nyong Poh, chop
Foong Hap. (Absconded).
Trader in Bau Bazaar.

All creditors and other persons having any claims whatsoever against the Estates of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned within three (3) months from date, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all monies owing to the above estates shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident, Upper Sarawak.

November 6th, 1906.


No. LIV, 1906.

The following sums in deposit in the Office of the Courts will be paid into Government Revenue if not claimed before the 15th January 1907.

For From Amount
Imong Gunting $1.00
Kwong Yot Shing Chung Ah Choi 2.03
Lai Chong Est. Lai Mui 2.43
Lim Nam Est. Kam Kwee 2.03
Leong Kwi Est. Kam Kwee 7.45
Ng Tai Nen Est. Lai Mui 8.76
Nio Ngok Heng Est. Kam Kwee 4.06
Ow Ah Hooi Est. Soon Hap 4.92
Sun Keong Keng Est. Ngu Hong 2.05
Wong Ah Shing Est. Chung Ah Choi 2.20
Ah On Est. Leong Seng 0.02
Borneo Company Ltd. Leong Seng 0.55
Guan What Leong Seng 0.05
Hap Heng Long Leong Seng 0.10
Koh Kun Bee Leong Seng 0.32
Koo Pee chop Chua Kun Seng Leong Seng 0.40
Kim Watt, Baram Leong Seng 0.24
Lau What Siow Leong Seng 0.40
Leong Ann Leong Seng 3.22
Sam Hap Hin Leong Seng 0.31
Tek Chiang Leong Seng 0.17
Wha Ann Leong Seng 0.82

Resident 2nd Class.

16th November, 1906.


No. LV 1906.

In re Soong Kwee Long, Chop
Ngee Thai.(Absconded.)
Trader in Bau Bazaar.

All creditors and other persons having any claim whatsoever against the Estate of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned within three (3) months from date, after which date, the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all monies owing to the above Estate shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident, Upper Sarawak.

November 15th, 1906.


No. LX 1906.


In the goods of Chong Chee,
pepper planter of Tundong
West. Chop Hap Lee. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Tian Lak Koo,
pepper planter of S. Moyan.

In the goods of Tian Bun Liong
and Jee Siow, pepper planters
of S. Tengah. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Chin Fook and
Chin Sang, pepper planters of
S. Maung. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Tan Jin of Ranto Panjang,
pepper planter.

In the goods of Kuan Kow and
Kuan Chiow, chop Van Hin,
pepper planters of Paku.

In the goods of Piong Sen and
Fiong Loi, pepper planters of
Tabuan. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Lai Kiam, pepper
planter of S. Tapang.

In the goods of Poh Lim Hong,
pepper planter of 71/2 mile Rock Road.

In the goods of Hoo Seng Kong,
pepper planter of Quop.

In the goods of Eo Hee and Eo Fui,
pepper planters of Sigobang Hill.

In the goods of Ng Sam Hin,
Lee Bet and Chong Kuai, chop
Lian Shoon, pepper planters
of Paku.(Absconded.)

In the goods of Lim Liew and
Ng Chio, pepper planters of
Ranto Panjang.(Absconded.)

In the goods of Chai Kak, pepper
planter of Batu Kawa.

In the goods of Bong Fah, chop
Liong Shin, pepper planter
of Bau. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Chen Pui, Chin
Kok, Koh Pien, Chin Siang
and Chin Sung Kee, pepper
planters of 7th mile Penrissen
Road. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Chai Sin and
Lee Fatt, pepper planters of
Stapok. (Absconded.)

All creditors and others persons having any claim whatsoever against the Estates of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 15th January, 1907, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all monies owing to the above Estates shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident 2nd Class.

30th November 1906.


No. LXI, 1906.

Re Bong Ngee Chin. (Deceased)
Trader in Shak Lung Mun

Probate having been granted to Hiew Ah Jew, wife of deceased, all claims and monies owing to the said Estate should be sent to her.

Resident, Upper Sarawak.

5th December, 1906.


No. LXII, 1906.

Re Tian Sip, chop Jee Kee.
(Absconded.) Trader in
Tundong Bazaar.

All creditors and other persons having any claim whatsoever against the Estate of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned within three months from date, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all monies owing to the above Estate shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident, Upper Sarawak.

5th December, 1906.


No. LXIII, 1906.

The following sums now in deposit in the Court of Requests, Mukah, if not claimed on or before 31st March, 1907, will revert to Government.

For From
Hj. Daud Lating $1.60
Tari Salleh Nor   3.50
Hj. Tahir Taril   4.00
Hj. Rais Dulamit   5.50
Total $14.60

Magistrate, Court of Requests.


No. LXIV, 1906.

Outstation Money Orders.

Notification of 17th January 1906 is hereby cancelled and the following regulations are substituted and will come into force on 1st January 1907.

After receipt of the amount of the money order required and the commission (2 cents on every dollar or part of a dollar, with a minimum of 10 cents) Officers in charge of Outstations may issue cheques on the Sarawak Treasury for Money Orders on the following places or countries.

1. Kuching (maximum $100).
2. United Kingdom (maximum £40) and through the United Kingdom on various British Dependencies and Foreign countries. (For maximum and other particulars see postal Guide.)
3. Straits Settlements (maximum $100.)
4. Federated Malay States (maximum $100.)
5. India and through India on Burma and Ceylon (maximion Rs. 600.)

1. These orders are intended for payment of small accounts only and should not be issued to traders who may appear to be making use of them for their usual trade remittances.
2. Orders issued through the United Kingdom are subject to the following deductions in London when being advised to the country of payment.

For sums not exceeding £5 3d.
For every additional £3 or fraction thereof. 3d.

No order may contain a fraction of a cent, of a penny or of an anna. Orders on or "through" the United Kingdom and India should be calculated in accordance with the tables supplied by the Post Office, and the commission added.

The cheques, accompanied by the special printed application form (Outstation Money Order application), should be drawn in favour of, and forwarded to, the Postmaster General, Kuching.

In the case of Money Orders (1) on Kuching, (2) on or through the United Kingdom and (3) on the Strait Settlements, an actual form of Money Order is issued for transmission to the payee and in order to avoid delay, and provided the application is accompanied by a fully stamped and addressed envelope, the Money Order will be forwarded to him direct by the Kuching Post Office at the remitter's risk; otherwise it will be sent to the Postal Officer applying.

The envelope may contain the remitters advice to the payee but the Post Office accepts no responsibility in case of loss and it is advisable to send it separately.

In the case of Money Orders on (4) the Federated Malay States and (5) on or through India no form of Money Order is issued to the remitter as the paying office issues and forwards a Money Order to the payee, and the above paragraph as to stamped and addressed envelope does not threfore apply.

A form of acknowledgment will be forwarded by the Kuching office to the Postal Officer applying, for transmission to the remitter who should retain same and advise the payee as to remittance.

By order of the Officer
Administering the Government.

1st January, 1907.


No. LXV, 1906.

re Phoong Sam Choon. (Deceased.)
Shareholder in the firm
of chop Thoong On Thai,
Trader in Bau Bazaar.

Probate having been granted to Ng Ah Lian, wife of deceased, and Chiew Fook the remaining partner, all claims and monies owing to the said Estate should be sent to them.

Assistant Resident.

December 19th 1906.


No. LXVI, 1906.

From 1st January 1907 and until further Notice duties upon the undermentioned articles will be as follows:—

Fish Maws No. 1 per catty 0.20 cts.
Fish Maws No. 2 percatty 0.15cts
Fish Maws No. 3 percatty 0.10cts
Gutta Jangkar per picul $1.50cts
White Pepper perpicul 1.25cts
Black Pepper perpicul 1.00cts

By order of the Officer
Administering the Government.
Superintendent of Customs.

21st December, 1906.


No. LXVII, 1906.

His Majesty the King having been pleased to appoint Malcolm Stewart Hannibal McArthur, Esqr. Consul for Sarawak, His Highness the Rajah hereby directs that he be received with the usual salute and honours whenever he visits Sarawak and that all Officers in the Service shall do their utmost to assist him in his duties and pay him the respect due to his rank.

By His Highness' Command
Officer administering
the Government.

December 29th, 1906.


No. LXVIII, 1906.

Post-Cards impressed with a stamp of the value of one cent, and double or reply-paid Post-Cards impressed with a stamp of the value of one cent on each portion of them, may be transmitted between places in Sarawak. These cards can be forwarded to other places outside of Sarawak, if the additional postage required is supplied by means of postage stamps affixed to the cards.

Post-Cards impressed with a stamp of the value of 4 cents and double or reply paid Post-Cards impressed with a stamp of the value of 4 cents on each portion of them, may be sent to all parts of the world.

Private Post-Cards.

Private post-cards will be accepted by the Post Office in Sarawak for transmission under the following conditions:—

(a) Private post-cards must be composed of ordinary cardboard, or paper sufficiently stout not to hinder their manipulation; they must not exceed a maximum size of 61/2 inches by 31/2 inches, and the minimum size must not be less than inches by 23/4 inches. Prepayment of a private Post-card addressed to any place in Sarawak, can be effected by means of a one-cent Sarawak postage stamp affixed to it; and if addressed to any other destination prepayment can be effected by means of a Sarawak postage stamp or stamps for 4 cents affixed to it.

(b) Double or reply-paid private post-cards will be accepted, and postage can be prepaid by stamps affixed as stated above to each half of the double card.

(c) The inscription "Post-cards" is not compulsory for single post-cards of private mannfacture, but the reply halves of private double cards must bear the title "Post-cards. In no case is any other heading prescribed.

(d) A private Post-card posted without a postage stamp will be charged, on delivery, with double postage per single card or for each half of a reply card.

Rules Applying to Official and Private Post-Cards.

(1) Post-cards bearing written or printed communications on the left hand half of the address side can be sent to all British Possessions to which penny postage applies and to certain other countries already notified. It is not compulsory to affix the postage stamps to the address side, but the public is strongly urged to do so.

(2) Engravings or advertisements, provided they do not interfere in any way with the clear indication of the address or with the stamping or marking of the Postal Service, may appear on the front of a card, in addition to the name and address of the recipient in writing or on a gummed label not exceeding 2 inches by 5/4 inch, and the name and address of the sender indicated in writing, or by means of a hand stamp, stamping machine or any other typographical process.

(3) In addition to stamps for prepayment Post-cards may bear address-labels as above described, and engravings, illustrations, drawings and photographs on very thin paper may be affixed to the back or to the left hand half of the address side. provided they are completely adherent.[1]

(4) A Post-Card must not be folded, ent or otherwise altered.

(5) Cards bearing the inscription "Post-card" are allowed to go at the reduced rate of postage for printed matter, provided they conform to the general regulations respecting printed papers. If they are not in accordance with the regulations for printed papers or with the rules applicable to Post-cards they are treated as letters.

(6) The sender of a reply paid Post-Card is recommended to write his name and address on the stamped side of the reply portion of the double card. The reply imives of double Post-Cards are available for return to the country of origin, and to that country only. If addressed to other countries they are treated as unpaid Post-Cards.

(7) Ordinary international Post-Cards of one country posted in another are treated as unpaid Post-Cards.

  1. *These regulations will apply to Post-Cards of all kinds whether addressed to places in the United Kingdom, Sarawak, the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States or Johore; but, although there is reason to believe that the same course will be generally adopted, no guarantee can at present be given that the same privileges will be allowed by the Post Offices of other Countries.



No. LXIX, 1906.


In the goods of Lew Piang,
pepper planter of Tan Teo
Darian. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Tsai Hin Tet,
and Tsai Jew Shoon. pepper
planters of Paku Chop Jee
Lee, (Absconded.)

In the goods of Lew Choon,
pepper planter of 41/2 mile
Rock Road. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Chai Khun,
pepper planter of S. Tapang.

In the goods of Chop Ban
Chong, Carpenter.

In the goods of Koey Tai Hok.
Chop Tai Hah, cake dealer.

In the goods of Lim Hong Tiew,
Fisherman of Buntal.

In the goods of Chee On.
pepper planter Chop Loong
Shoon, of Paku. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Lai Moh. pep-
planter of 51/2 mile Kock
Road. (Absconded.)

In the goods of Ngin Han, pepper
planter of Tan Teo
Durian. Chop Kee Look, (Absconded.)

In the goods of Bong Ti, shopkeeper
of 41/2 mile Rock Road.

In the goods of Jong Lok, pepper
planter of Paku. (Absconded.)

All creditors and other persons having any claim whatsoever against the Estates of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 15th February 1907, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all moneys owing to the above Estates shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.

Resident 2nd Class.

31st December, 1906.


Sarawak Library.

Subscribers are requested to send to the Honorary Secretary lists of such books as they wish added to the library.

Acting Honorary Secretary.

Sarawak Gazette 4 January 1907 Issue No 492 (1907)
The Sarawak Government
4611262Sarawak Gazette 4 January 1907 Issue No 492 — Notices1907The Sarawak Government